Undoing The Big Mess

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In space 1916

Landing the Tardis on the Cyberplanet and with six companions arranged properly around the console - Tegan, Ace, Kate, Yaz, Graham, and Vinder the Doctor tells them they all play a key part in saving the world and the Doctor says "So now it really is crowed in here. Just how I like it. I'm gonna need every single one of you to stand there. Everybody okay?" and even though none of them fully understand what is going on, but then the Doctor says "No. Sorry, no time. Where's Ryan? and Graham says "Patagonia." and then the Doctor sees Vinder on the planet and the Doctor says "Vin, is that your ship on the surface of this Cyber planet? Don't speak. No time. Come with me. Lot of problems to solve. When I say "now", activate everything." and realizing that Vinder's ship still needs fixing, the Doctor says "Chop, chop, Vinder." and Graham says "She's still not explaining anything, then." and Kate is still in awe at the ship being bigger on the inside and Kate says "How is it bigger on the inside?" and the Doctor runs with him onto the surface of the cyber-planet.

On the surface of the cyber-planet, in the ship, the Doctor fixes Vinder's ship and she says "Never happier than when I'm fixing things. What a ship, stellar engineering, proper build. Whoo! Bit of wormhole damage. There's a lot of miles in this. If you've got an excellent engineer... which I am."

After fixing the ship, on the surface, in front of his ship the Doctor says "Repair's complete. What are you waiting for? Get in. Start her up. You need to be off this planet while the wormhole's still there." and Vinder says "Thank you, Doctor." and the Doctor says "Thanks for being there for me. How's your family, by the way? Send them my love. Remember when I say "now," get off the planet surface. Safe travels." and Vinder goes to his ship.

The Doctor next makes her way into the Master's TARDIS, still in the form of her own after he burnt out most of its systems by powering the cyber-planet and calling her companions in her TARDIS, the Doctor says "Everyone still in position? Good. I'm in the Master's TARDIS. He's clever. I'll give him that. Using a TARDIS to power the spatial temporal movement for the Cyber conversion planet. What a mind! What a TARDIS! Type 75. Bit flashy for my taste. But way more powerful than mine. But he's pushed his TARDIS right to the edge. Burned out half his systems, marooned himself here. So I am linking the TARDISes. I'm using mine to jump-start his. So when I say "now," activate the control. I gave ya. And we'll have a double powered TARDIS. Now." and they activate the controls connecting both TARDIS'es together and Vinder successfully escapes, the two TARDISes work together to dematerialize the entire cyber-planet and make it reappear in 2022.

In 2022

The cyber-planet appears in space with the Doctor's and the Master's TARDIS'es and the Doctor says "Yes. Temporal hop, 106 years. Done! Now, the conversion. I really hope this works." and they then activate its conversion beams, which target the erupting volcanoes and freeze them into solid steel, saving the Earth and creating public art installations to boot and Kate says "Did she just freeze volcanoes into steel?" and the Doctor says "Yes, I did. Turning the multiple planet-threatening situations into public art. You're welcome." and Yaz says "Okay. Don't get cocky." and the Doctor says "Now, one last thing. And we're done." and she leaves the Master's TARDIS and in her's where her companions are at Graham says "Do you think we can let go yet?"

With one last problem to solve, they all land back on the cyber-planet, in front of the Qurunx the Doctor says "I'm sorry for what was done to you. I'm sorry that you were taken and that you've been harnessed. I'll see you released. But I need one more thing from ya. Channel your energy down into this planet, disintegrate everything, and then you'll be free." and the Qurunx use its incredible energy power to destroy the planet and the Doctor says "Yes! That's it. What a creature, what a universe. I'll never understand it."

Teleported into his TARDIS in 2022 in pain, the Master walks out of his TARDIS and sees the Qurunx destroying the planet and the Doctor walking to her TARDIS and the Master says "Doctor!" and the Doctor turns around and the Doctor says "You lost. You gambled and you lost. And now your body's failing because of what you put it through." and then the Master says "Maybe. But if I can't be the Doctor..." and he pulls out his remote and the Master says "... neither can you!" and the Master channels the Qurunx's energy beam at the Doctor, mortally wounding her and causing her to begin her regeneration.

With the cyber-planet rapidly collapsing in on itself and the Master lying motionless, Yaz risks her life to grab the Doctor and return her to the TARDIS and her companions comes up to them and then Yaz says "She's fine. She's fine." and Yaz lays the Doctor down carefully on the floor and the Doctor has one last look at her "extended fam" before passing out." and the cyber-planet disintegrated after the leaves the planet and the Qurunx is free now going about in the universe.

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