chapter 1 (rewritten)

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quick thing all published are a bit of a preview i gues cause there the bad version and this the okay one


she was a normal girl, or so everyone tought.....

~estrella's pov~

ITS 30 PAST 6, THE WEA....

I jumped up from the alarm on my phone. i threw my phone across the room. Luckily it landed on the couch at the other side of the room. Phiew, my dad would have killed me if i had broken it again. Now that i was up i could just as well get ready to go to school. I started to walk to my dresser to put on some simple jeans and a t-shirt. Well, at least it was a friday, that meant i had drawing as my last subject and also was free early, and don't forget about the start of the weekend.

once i was ready i quickly grabbed my headphones from my desk and walked downstairs. I was eating my cerial when my evil sister Lilly walked down. i concidered just eating the rest of my breakfast upstairs but decided to just put on my headphones and listen to some music. Lilly sat down next to me. "hello Lilly", i said already knowing she wasn't gonna acnowlegde my existance. I was once again right. I'm to the point i don't want to be right anymore.

When i first came she was just a straight up bully to me, now she wont even eknowledge my exictance anymore. I don't know whats worse. I turned up the music so i could focus on that instead of my toughts. After a while i went to school.

At school i talked to esp a bit. she is a beautiful human with pink and green hair that went to her shoulders, she had caramell colored skin and  mostly about my upcoming birthday, but also about why non of the boys called her esp, they always called her espiria, her full name, wich she absolutly hated. school was boring till we had drawing.

I walked into the classroom and went to my usual seed. I was just about to sit down like normal, when my teacher called me to his desk. Everyone looked at me. I hated this, what had i done? I didn't like attention. "yes miss still", still tought she had a funny name. "you're birthday is tommorow right?" i started to turn red, only Esp knew when my birthday was. "yes mis still, thats correct." why did i say that last part??? i'm so stupid! "Good, you can sit down now."

alr that was so bad, why am i so socially akward? "We'll be making a character today..." the voice faded away while i started to design a new caracter. It was green, she had a cool battle axe.

after drawing i went to esp. We drawed for a bit and then i went home, i just said i had eaten at esp's even though i didn't, i just really didn't want to look at lilly any longer than needed today.

When i was home,  i immediatly went to my room and once again, started drawing. It were just a few doodles of a monster in the middle of 3 roads. It looked like it was guarding another way behind it. It didn't particularly looke verry interesting. Drawing was just a coping  mechanisme now.

When i finished the drawing i went to bed. I normally didn't sleep this early, so i don't know why i taugt i would do it today.

"hello babe", Neo said like he always said that in front of his friends, whick he didn't. "hello Neo? I taught it was a secret between us?" i wispered the last part so his friends wouldn't hear us, since they werent supoced to know that we were together. "yes.... But you also told Estrella! Neo we went over this already, and don't scream please, i have a headache."  i said confused about why he did like this all of a sudden. His friends started to come closer to us, cirkeling around us. I was verry confused about the intire situation. "What you can do i can do to Estrella, so i told my freinds about us." He started laughing like it was all a big joke. I didn't i was so shocked! We litterly went over this like a thousand times, and everytime he agreed. In pure anger i just screamed: "if you can't listen to me then don't, its over!" He looked shoked and looked at his friends, then everything becomes blurry.....

I woke up covered in sweat, almost in tears. I headed to the bathroom so i could get a glass of water to calm down, but when i was almost was at the door i collapsed on the floor, passing out almost immediatly after

~time skip to 3 AM~

I woke up collapsed on the floor, everything hurt and i was extremly dizzy. i looked for my phone and finding it on the floor just in armreach, i had no idea how it came there. But i didn't care at that moment. In an extreme panick i called Esp. I don't know why but she picked up without it even going over, Why would she be up at this time? "Why are you calling me this late, Estrella?" "Help! everything hurts and and an..."  everything went black.

~esp's pov~

"Estrella?" i didn't get a respond. "Estrella!" when i still didn't get an answer i desided i would bike to her house.

I runned downstairs put my shoes on and leaved the house grabbing my bike that was leaning against my house, i still had my pyjamas on but i didn't care. i biked as fast as i could but i was so scared it wasn't fast enough.

after what felt like an eternity i arrived at estrella's house and started furiously ringing the doorbell. again and again i pressed the doorbell, but however many times i tried now one opend the door.

i luckily knew where the extra key was, it was underneat the flower pot. i lifted the pot but didn't see the key. i tried the next one. and another one, i went past all the pots but didn't find the key.

i panicked, and in that panick i punched in the window. And when i wanted to go in i saw the door wasn't even locked.... why am i always so stupid???

i rushed to estrella's room and found her past out next to her door. I screamed for help and heard 2 doors open. I kneld down next to estrella and checked her pulse. fortunaly there was one, you could barely notice it but it was there. i heard footsteps rushing towards the room and a voice talking to someone on the phone. everything began becoming blury and my breathing was getting faster.

~estrella's pov~

i opened my eyes and saw white, it was the only thing i saw. my eyes started to adjust to the white room. i looked to the side and saw a green and pink blur with a caramel colored point in the middle. 'what a wierd thing is there.'  " Estrella! you're awake!"  the mysterious thing said. my fision slowly became better and the mysterious thing began looking like a person. after another second or so i saw it, it was esp! "esp!" 'wait so she came? wait where are my parents? are they here? where is lilly? how did i get here? wait, where am i even!?' i had a lot of questions in my mind and only 1 answer, yes esp did indead come because otherwise she wouldn't be here right now. "where are my parents and lilly?" is asked in a whisper to esp. "well, you see..." my mind went crazy after those words. 'are they dead? why aren't they here? is something wrong with Lilly?'  " where are they! say it esp" i screamed being scared about what happend. "please calm down estrella, they are in jail because the police thinks they did something to you" i was shocked. 'they would never, right? i don't think so.'  i finally looked down and was shocked to see my body completly purple! "ah!!!!! my body! its purple!" i screamed in a panick "what do you mean you're body is purple, it looks fine to me. are you alright? shall i get a docter? im gonna get a docter." i didn't want her to get a docter but when i wanted to say that she was already gone.

after a few minutes she came into the room with a nurse. the nurse started to check my temperature while asking a bunch of questions and after a few minutes i guess she was happy cause she said: "you can go home if you rest for a few days" i was very relieved that i could get out of this place wich i guess turned out to be a hospital.


that was the first chapter hope you enjoyed it,

have a nice day/ night and remember that you're not alone if you need someone to talk to just send a message in discord to Happymuts.
(Sorry for the reupload i accedentely deleten the part but i had a backup)

words: 1509

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