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(Cale's Pov)

"What Lead to this?" Cale thought
He couldn't remember.
All he knows are his Ancient Powers are shouting and weeping at him.
Never mind they are dramatic.

He is cold. Cale is never cold. Usually That Black D- Raon Mir always kept him at the right temperature.
Funny why did he call Raon a That
His child isn't a That. A word he feels is filled with his malice.

The Ancient Powers are still crying. Why whats happenings?
Can't they shut up?.
Cale feels so tired. His eyelids feel so heavy 
I think I'm Gonna take a nap. Just a tiny one
Its gonna be just for a little bit.

'CALE NO DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES!' was all He heard from his Ancient powers before closing his eyes

(?????'s Pov)

He looked down at the red haired commander.
Paler then before which seemed impossible.

He bends down and touches his face. Cold. No Movement.
Blood is all around him.
Both his and others.

He bent down. His heart lurched. The red head no longer is breathing.

Cale...His Poor Poor Child....

(Pov revealed Death's Pov)

He picks him up.
And suddenly black wings pop out.

(Like Philza Minecraft if Ya know him-)

Death holds Cale close.
Hearing in his mind Cale complaining that he is cold.

Gods even after Cale was was dead he was completely utterly at his will.

Death covered Cale with his wings for warmth.

Death looked around. The land was destroyed. He then looked at the other dead bodies.

Bodies of Cale's Family and Allies or they were....

Cale didn't know how this happened...What lead to this. But Death did. Death is all knowing.

(No One's Pov)

It started with Cale's Family slowly pushing Cale's privacy. Then whenever Cale got hurt and said he was find their eyes were only looks of distrust.

The more he got hurt. The more they pushed his privacy until he was almost never alone. Then the more their obsession grew.

When they learned of Cale's restoration power after he defeated white star

Cale couldn't see but a fury of emotions mostly anger lit their eyes.

They thought the reason Cale risked his life was because of the restoration and the rest of his ancient powers.

The reason they believed it is because of his ancient powers he did and could do all these things after all Cale is weak why else would he always get himself hurt.

Their obsession and distrust over Cale grew even more.
They soon started to experiment on ways to remove the Ancient powers.

But it soon got out to the people. The people who grew love into a obsession like worship.
Volunteered themselves to be test subjects.
They would do anything to help the person they viewed as a god

Before long they found a way to remove the Ancient Powers. Of course without killing a person.

And they were some casualties but they all died smiling. For they died for him

When they found the way the drugged Cale at an event.

When he woke up he was tied up on a chair.

His family in front of him smiling with glints in their eyes and the creepiest smiles to exist.

죽음의 성자와 평화의 (Santos Derus Saint of Death and Peace)Where stories live. Discover now