Book from a drawer

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As I woke up from my bed, I noticed that I am in prison with some 3 people that are exhausted and stress.

As I tried to talk to the woman, the woman slaps my hand out of the way

"Don't touch me!"
She yells at me out of anger

I wanted to speak but I keep my mouth shut and didn't want to make her mad more, as I sat back to the bed I noticed the cell was opened and random guy look

He suddenly spoke "As you know ik trying to keep you guys safe from that viruses" he spoke very calmy

All of a sudden the woman stands up and confronted the man
"Viruses!? Are you serious? Look at this place! You put us to the jail without any food are you trying to starve us or what!??!" As she shouted to the man feeling so mad

The man remains calm and pushes the woman away and spoke "Well you could have told me that you guys were hungry"

The boy glared at the man and spoke
"Are you stupid? We're humans of course we're gonna be hungry!"
He yells at the man

Suddenly the man's sighs and left the food in the desk and closed the cell, as I looked at them they started eating like crazy but the woman gave me a piece of bread and I took it and eat it.

A few hours later I was laying on the bed until the boy spoke

"What are your guys names?" He asked to everyone

The woman spoke "My name is avery"

Then other woman spoke also "Mine is Hailey."

Then I spoke "My name is Isaac"

The boy smiled and spoke
"Well nice to meet you all I'm Robert"

Avery then suddenly stands up and looked at the window cell
"The world is so dead."

Robert looked at Avery in curious and looked at the window cell also
"Oh yeah, your right it's very silent and dead"

Hailey sighs and looked at them
"We have to options, we could escape if we want but also we will be dead outside and the second option is we could stay here but I don't think we can trust that man."

I looked at her and nods and spoke
"We will have to think about this for an hours."

Robert looked at me
"His right, we're gonna think about this for an hours because it's a hard decision"

Avery sighs and sat on the ground
"How about we rest first and think about this tomorrow?"

Everyone nods and went to sleep.

The next morning the man brings more food and water on the desk and then closed the cell door, I noticed Avery was glaring at the man

Avery then spoke
"I still don't trust him, what if he does something to us?"

Robert then thinks and spoke
"You could be right but we are not sure about that"

As I looked at them I was thinking also, as I looked around the place I found a old picture of a family on the ground and spoke
"Uhm.. Y'all..? I found a old picture family here and it's says on the back.. 1913 it seems the family was locked here for years don't you think?"

Avery was curious and surprise
"Well you could be right and I also found an old doll" she then goes to the drawer and opened it "There's so many things on the drawer"

I went over her and check the drawer, as I inspect, I saw something
"There's a book!"

Hailey looked at me
"Open it up and read it.."

I opened the book and the handwritings was back then and it was very hard to read, I began to spoke and read it "In 1913 I was locked up in this cell with my family, and there's man called Mr Seller who gave us food and water everyday but when Mr seller grabs my dad out of the jail, he didn't came back anymore, as I was thinking that my father was killed"

Robert was horrified
"Do you think that man is Mr seller's son or what?"

Hailey looked at Robert
"I think so too it's been years now, and this person that wrote the story on the book was in cell for years for some reasons.."

Avery realized something
"Wait wait.. So that means one of us is gonna be taken by that man!"

Robert shuts avery's mouth and sighs
"Don't say it too loud.."

Avery then nods and felt nervous

I looked at them and sighs
"We need a plan or were gonna die here."

3 of them nods

Hailey then spoke
"Well the window is blocked with bars and the door cell is very hard to open"

Robert thinks
"We need something to cut the wires but it's gonna take a while"

I looked around for something and noticed something and spoke
"Wait we could use this old rusty knife, do you think this will work?"

Robert looked at me and nods
"Maybe but we have to sharpen it so it can actually cut the bars"

As few hours past everyone stayed awake to escape until, the door cell was opened and noticed what Mr seller just bring.

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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