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Several decades ago...

It was one stormy night in the Tropical Soda Islands. Inside the Longan Palace, barely any activity was seen other than the Dragon orbs roaming around freely and a few servants appearing now and then.

One of the palace guards, Longan Lancer Cookie, was keeping first watch. They glanced side to side at the gates, ready to draw their spear at any sign of trouble.

"Hmm..." They hummed to themselves. "The palace is quiet...quieter than usual. Something must be up."

They sheath their spear and headed away from the gates, their steps echoing at the empty corridor

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They sheath their spear and headed away from the gates, their steps echoing at the empty corridor. They had been protecting the palace for centuries, and throughout their entire lifetime, the palace has never been that quiet. They couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

As they continued to walk, they notice a small Dragon orb hovering nearby, and it looks rather anxious.

"Hey! You!" Longan Lancer shouted, getting the orb's attention. "Come over here for a minute!"

The orb hesitated for a second before hovering towards Longan Lancer Cookie, staring at them with their slightly dilated eye.

"Fellow Dragon orb...," Longan Lancer Cookie started. "You seem to be quite anxious. Is everything alright?"

The orb remained still for a moment, looking around to see if anyone is nearby before gesturing them to follow. Longan Lancer Cookie did so. A few miles ahead, they reached the Strategy Room and approached the seismometer.

Longan Lancer Cookie stared intensely at the seismograph, noticing the readings ranking higher. They grew worried and glanced at the Dragon orb for confirmation. "The earthquake is near... We're getting closer to that faithful day, aren't we?"

 We're getting closer to that faithful day, aren't we?"

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The orb nodded in response, its anxiety clear as day. Longan Lancer Cookie took a deep breath, trying to maintain composture before sighing. "We must tell our master about this. They will know what to do."

The orb nodded again, and the two head out of the room. They quickly ran across the empty halls, the orb hovering besides them. They sometimes forgot how long the hallways were; it could be exhausting.

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