Chapter 1 - Meet

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It was 8pm , The sky was just starting to darken. Daisy was finally arriving to her new school for the next two years, after getting a plane from France, then a train to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the moonlight was gleaming on the water in the black lake, and she was riding in a boat to get to the Castle, Along with some students that looked like first years.

Today Daisy Transferred from Beauxbatons magic school. She used to live in London until she was eleven, then her and her mother moved to france to be with her Father, but once Daisy's parents got divorced, She then moved back to London to be closer to her grandparents, Daisy doesn't have a good relationship with her father, and he isn't the nicest person, Her and her father have been arguing for years, and her father put her through so much pain. Daisy is the new 6th year, she is 17 years old. She has brown eyes , half red, half black split hair, and light freckles all over her face, she is also curvy (but that doesn't make her any less gorgeous)

In beauxbatons, Daisy was bullied everyday by the same people, and only had One true best friend, who she missed dearly, luckily she is able to keep contact through owl post.

Once Diasy got to the end of the lake, She hopped off the boat and was met with a red headed professor.

"Hi miss Jones, I'm professor Weasley. I am the Deputy Headmistress here at Hogwarts, I am also the Transfiguration Professor, am i right to assume you took Transfiguration at Beauxbatons?" She smiled at Daisy kindly.

Daisy nodded,a hidden nervousness on her face."Yes professor, I took most classes that you do here at Hogwarts, my mother told me all about them."

"Ah that's perfect, i remember your mother, she is an amazing woman, so sweet and was the highest of her defence against the dark arts class,But she could be very mischievous and liked to explore, Especially with your Father."

Daisy had to hold back the urge to roll her eyes at the mention of her father.

"I was very happy to see her daughter would be joining us here. Also i want to add, i know this may be odd starting in 6th year, and it may be overwhelming, but all of your professors are here to help you and you will make some amazing friends here, i promise Miss Jones, anyways follow me and i will show you the way to the great hall" And then She shouted so everyone could hear.

All the first years came running up to them both, with amazement plastered on their faces, they all looked memorised by the huge castle in front of them. Daisy couldn't blame them though, as she was just as amazed as they were, Taking in the scenery, it was much bigger than beauxbatons, that was for sure. But overall a beautiful castle.

Professor Weasley took everyone into the castle, and walked down a long hallway, until they eventually got to the door of the Great hall.

"Okay everyone, take a seat wherever you like for now, and once you are sorted into your houses, you will then be sitting with that same table for the next 7 years, Now there are 4 houses, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. I must add that whatever house you get doesn't make you any less different from any of the other houses. Right, we all ready?" Everyone nodded eager to get sorted.

Once the giant doors to the Great hall opened, everyone Gasped, The ceiling of the hall was enchanted to look like a blue starry night sky, and there were thousands of candles hanging down. It looked so magical, which you'd think would be obvious since they were in a magic school, but it still shocked daisy.

Professor Weasley, went to the front of the hall, getting the sorting hat ready, Meanwhile everybody went and sat down at a random seat.

Daisy chose to sit the closest to the left side of the hall, and Took a seat with lots of other students, they had black robes with a green hood and a green and grey tie.Daisy sat opposite two boys.
One had messy brown hair, with brown eyes and freckles, and the other had dark blonde hair, and very clear blue eyes. They looked at Daisy for a moment, then started whispering, not so quietly may i add.

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