Chapter 2- Slytherin!

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At the slytherin table, Sebastian was speechless, he was sure that the new girl would be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, but then again she did have that sassy behaviour that a true slytherin would have. Sebastian just clapped in a very sarcastic way. He then leaned over to whisper something to Ominous.

"Well that's shocking, the new girl in slytherin? Thats a real surprise."

"Yes. We haven't had a new student be put in slytherin for a while. I bet we'll be the ones to give her a tour, as we usually get chosen." Ominous said still nodding, also clapping, but more softly now.

"It's not our fault we know all the shortcuts and best places in the castle, what can i say, we're basically the leaders of Slytherin house." Sebastian just did his signature smirk once again. Ominous had his mouth slightly open in disbelief.

"We're The leaders of slytherin? Considering my family are descendants of The actual creator of Slytherin, i'd say i'm the leader, you're just like a puppy who follows me around." it was now ominous turn to smile, whilst sebastian put a hand to his chest whilst gasping like he was offended.

"How dare you Ominous Guant, your more the puppy of the two of us. I guide you around whilst you follow, It makes more sense" Sebastian said in a lighthearted tone, Ominus never takes offence to Sebastian's jokes about his blindness, he knew Sebastian didn't care about that, they have been friends since they were young and Sebastian has always helped ominous no matter what.

Ominous just rolled his eyes and  playfully shoved sebastian, and went back to listening to everyone getting sorted.

Daisy got off the stool, and Weasley transfigured her robes into slytherin ones with a soft smile across her face.

"You look just like your mother" Daisy looked up at professor Weasley with a bright smile and a twinkle in her eye. Daisy nodded one last time before she went back to the Slytherin table, everyone clapped and congratulated her as she sat down in the same spot as earlier, now actually fitting in with the rest of the students.

Sebastian was watching you with a playful gleam in his eye as you sat down opposite him.

"Well i'll give you this, you do seem to have the sassiness and anger of a slytherin, i'm still quite surprised, i was sure you'd at least be in Hufflepuff" Sebastian said with a smile, whilst looking you up and down.

Daisy rolled her eyes smiling, happy to be in the same house her mother was in at her time in school.
"There's no way i was gonna get anything other than Slytherin, i'm sassy, proud, ambitious, cunning, and very sarcastic, and also my mother was also a Slytherin student, So, don't judge before you even know me." Daisy took a deep breath not realising how fast she spoke.

Sebastian just put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay i get it, your a Slytherin, you've proved your own damn point"

Daisy smirked, knowing he was hating having someone stand up to him.

"Oo, did i hit a nerve?" It was Daisy's turn to smirk, and she crossed her arms, feeling proud of herself.

Sebastian scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Don't get to cocky to quickly, You've just gotten here." Sebastian wasn't used to feeling so defeated.

Daisy's smirk turned into a smile, the anger from earlier today disappearing completely, maybe it wasn't so bad to have some one who matched her sassiness.

"Well anyways since we're stuck in the same house, may as well introduce myself. I'm Daisy, Daisy Jones." She stuck a hand out to Sebastian who shook it, and then the same with Ominous.

Sebastian nodded. "I'm Sebastian sallow. And this is my best friend, Ominus gaunt." Ominous nodded.

"Pleasure to meet you, and before you ask, no i have no clue how i've dealt with him all these years" Ominus smiled, knowing that sebastian's mouth was gaping open.

"Ominus! your meant to my friend!"Sebastian lightly smacked ominus across the head.

Ominus chuckled.
"I'm sorry sebastian, your just unbearable sometimes, why do you think i'm your only best friend? i'm the only one who can deal with you and your personality." Ominus had to suppress his smirk, he never was one for smirking.

"Ominus! your meant to be on my side! I'm not that unbearable!" Daisy just snorted, causing Sebastian to glare at her.

"Oh cmon! You are unbearable, i've known you what forty minutes? and i've rolled my eyes more now then i have in my entire life!" Sebastian pouted like it was the meanest thing anyone's ever said to him.

"Gee thanks a lot Jones. Nice to know i made a great first impression." Sebastian crossed his arms and led his head on the table.

"Okay, no need for sarcasm Sallow, i'm just stating the facts." Daisy shrugged, she's never been able to bicker like this with anyone, it was usually people throwing horrible names at her.

Ominus spoke up, smiling, enjoying the bickering between you two.

"I actually find it quite amusing how you can get under Sebastian's skin like this, he's usually very confident and cocky, i've never seen anyone able to irritate him like this.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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