missing you..

167 7 0

HIYA so I entirely needed a break from writing completely for a while bc I've been dealing with stupid crap.

Anyway, not going into that, hope you enjoy!

⚠️ warnings:⚠️



"When is he getting home?" The ginger grumbled as his arms tightly crossed while he paced the hallway of the apartment the three lived in

"You know how he is. He's getting extra work done" the other answered while rolling along the couch in the living room, tired and bored.

He was 'slightly' worried for their boyfriends disappearance but didn't show it as it would cause more chaos.

Kunikida was very strict in keeping to timetable so all of this was unlike him. He always got home by 5 on the sharp but it was now 5:52.
How was he almost an hour late?

It confused both entirely.

What they didn't know was that the very boyfriend was getting a present for the two. It was something they all agreed on. A movie they loved to watch but always had to rent it.
He finally got ahold of a disc available on a website. He was just going to pick it up and now on his way back.

He knew he should've told atleast one of them but he wanted it all to be a surprise.

Meanwhile both were coping in their own ways. The shorter one flapping his gloved hands around while still pacing, the taller sprawled all over the couch, hanging half off it as he tried thinking of places the blonde would be or any situations that could've occurred. He stayed quiet unlike the grumbling ginger.

"He isn't here yet. I'm going to look for him if he doesn't arrived by 6." Chuuya snapped and stared daggers at the door while a red glow already started appearing.

"Fine fine, chibi. I'm sure he'll get here soon" the other chirped in with a lazy and tired tone.

"Just- stop calling Me that. Atleast until glasses gets back" chuuya said as his eyes were still fixated on the door.

"No can do, shortstack"

"Ugh. Fuck off" the ginger grumbled

"Hm how about you fuck me o-" the brunette started but was shut up by the jingle of keys heart outside as well as kunkida clearing his throat.

'He's back..' the ginger thought before opening the door before the blonde could get the chance.

"Why are you late." Chuuya immediately asked before anyone else could.

"You'll know in a moment just let me get inside first.."

"...hmph fine" the ginger sid, irritated but open the door to let the other pass.

"Thank you, nakahara." The blonde nodded a bit before walking in and placing the 2 bouquets aswell as a small white bag down.

He put his jacket on the hook before facing his two lovers, staring intently and curiously at him.
He chuckled before stepping to the side and gesturing them to look.

The two bouquets had a note each, specifically made for both.

chuuyas read:

I love the way you smile..
I love your gentle touch
I love your kisses so very much!
I love the way you look at me and I love to hear you laugh
I love that I'm so proud of my gorgeous other half
I love the way you cheer me up, when you find me with a frown and always raise my spirits when life has got me down
I love you for your patience + your honesty and most of all..

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