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Hiya! So short story, I'm being diagnosed with autism (aswel as adhd) and I'm struggling to deal with this sudden thing. I'm the type of person who hates putting labels on things nor do I like diagnoses.

So quite literally this is basically a way of awareness aswel as my way of coping with it ig?

But it will not be accurate to everyone because I'm trying to include a sort of canon way of thinking for kunikida aswel as putting sort of my struggles that could/could not count as autism.

⚠️Warning: ⚠️
-its basically a panic attack
-kinda sensory overload
-autistic kuni kuni

Every day was difficult. Most was painful. This day was his limit.
He had this built up too long.
His schedule and timetable was messing up and it put him in a horrid state.

He wanted things to be the way he wanted it. He didn't want any sudden occurrences. Now or ever.

But nothing went to plan.
He woke up late this morning.
He had breakfast at the wrong time
He got to work after his normal time.
He wasn't able to work at all.

This could be small for most people but for kunikida it set him on edge.
He liked it when he was under control and everything went as normal.

But today was opposite.

He needed his lovers..
He wanted them to hold him..no- he just wanted their presence..

No touch..he doesn't want that. He feels too overwhelmed for that..

Shit. This is too much. Noises are loud. Too loud.
Loud loud loud loud.


Third person:

Kunkida was on the verge of a complete panic attack.
He needed composure fast and now.

He got up from the bed and rushed out, looking around before finding his lovers on the couch

He gasped out for breath and finally got their attention, their heads turning to him

"Doppo!" Chuuya called out and levitated to his boyfriend, taking him into a embrace before leading him to sit down.
Dazai watched as worry overcame him. He didn't know what to do but was going to try.

He sat next to kunikida and wrapping an arm around his shoulder and leaned close

"We're here. Don't worry." He whispered while chuuya stayed quiet to not overload the already overwhelmed kunikida

"Okay breathe with me alright.." chuuya whispered and took kunikidas hands in his
"Got it?"

The blonde nodded as he matched chuuyas breathing slowly but surely

____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____

Word count: 491

Tbh I trailed off a lot and I'm really bad at describing feelings and everything so if anyone thinks 'this isn't panic attack/autism,' except then please bare with me because I wrote this in a bad mindset and I had no clue how to describe everything correctly.

I will make up for it in the next chapter that will be out soon enough

Cya in the next chapter

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