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Kurtis' car was parked out front but he wasn't in it. I got out and made my way to the raggedy dinner.

"Kurtis " I whispering softly making my way inside

He grabbed me from behind by the waist covering my mouth with one hand pulling me behind a crate whispering "shh their here"

"Wtf !" I shouted clearly scared covering my mouth marching off I whispered " I'm going home I should of never came in the first place, I don't even know you " I finished angry at myself.

"But you did " he said stopping me " you came, your here, with me why"

We were now at the center of the room, he took my hands in his and pierced his eyes in mines its as if we were having a conversation but without words. I broke silence

"What about the person here chasing you is that why you wanted me to come, for girls protection? " I broke off laughing

"Well close" he replied I looked at him seriously "I don't want you to protect me I'm trusting you with the love and happiness of my life" he reached inside a box and took out the cutest puppy ever and hand it to me.

It was a white Shih Tzu really fluffy dark eyes medium size everything about it was adorable.

" Since I've moved in with my aunt her son has allergies so I cant have her around please I beg I know we got off on a bad start I'm sorry"

"Okay I'll keep her but, why me "

" well your kinda the first person I met here so.. and I know I can trust you I feel it I promise I'll take her back when I get my own place"

My dad called so I had to head back what was I gonna say about the dog I cant tell him its Kurtis' dog!

"Honey you know that's not milk right" daddy said

"I know daddy but they were having a free doggy adoption and poor girl needed a home I'm sorry daddy I got distracted I'll go get milk now "

" And leave that mut with me? I think not I'll go get it you stay"

Well that was easy he didn't get angry, I took um 'her' up to my room I forgot to ask Kurtis her name so I called him, but it went to his voice mail. His voice mail is the funniest, in a sexy tone he says 'hey sugar mama sorry I guess Im busy -polishing my suit But baby don't leave without sending a voice message so I can hear that raspy voice of yours ' then he makes kissy sounds does he seriously think he's Elvis. I left him a voice message laughing 'uh hey Elvis it's Jada I called to ask what's your love's name I forgot to ask'

Before I went to bed I set up a bed for Kurtis' love one and fed her.

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