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The crisp mountain air swirled around Adventure Bay, carrying with it the sweet scent of wildflowers and the playful barks of the Paw Patrol pups. Everest, the beautiful Siberian Husky pup, stretched languidly in the sunshine, her blue eyes scanning the horizon. A sigh escaped her as she noticed Marshall, the clumsy but enthusiastic Dalmatian, bounding towards her in a flurry of black and white fur.

"Hey, Everest!" Marshall panted, skidding to a stop in a cloud of dust. "Wanna go for a walk in the snow?"

Everest's heart skipped a beat. Marshall was her best friend, always up for an adventure, but lately, she felt a fluttery sensation whenever he was around. It was a new feeling, confusing yet exciting.

Before she could answer, a voice interjected. "Actually, Everest," Rocky, the grey mixed-breed pup with his trademark green utility vest, strolled up, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I was just about to show her my latest invention - the ultimate snowball launcher!"

Marshall deflated, his ears drooping. "Oh, right. Cool invention, Rocky. Maybe next time, Everest?"

Everest felt torn. Marshall's enthusiasm was infectious, but Rocky's inventions were always intriguing. With a hesitant smile, she replied, "Maybe next time for the walk, Marshall. But I'm curious about this snowball launcher, Rocky. Lead the way."

As they walked, Marshall trailed behind, kicking at pebbles dejectedly. Rocky, sensing his victory, leaned towards Everest and whispered conspiratorially, "Don't worry, Marshall's a bit of a goofball. Besides, you know I'm the one who can really show you a good time."

Everest wasn't sure what to say. Rocky was smart, funny, and always had a plan. But there was something about Marshall's genuine warmth that made her heart melt. The rest of the afternoon was a whirlwind of Rocky demonstrations. The snowball launcher, while impressive, malfunctioned more than it launched, leaving Everest covered in a light dusting of snow and Rocky apologizing profusely. Despite the mishaps, Everest couldn't help but laugh at Rocky's enthusiasm and ingenuity.

Later that evening, as Everest curled up in her pup house, she couldn't shake the feeling of being pulled in two directions. Marshall's goofy smile and playful demeanor kept popping into her head, but Rocky's confidence and inventions were undeniable. She wished picking a pup to spend time with was as easy as fetching a stick.

Suddenly, her pup-tag buzzed. It was Ryder. "Hey, Everest," Ryder's voice crackled through the receiver. "Just checking in. Everything okay up there?"

Everest sighed. "Yeah, everything's fine, Ryder. Just… a bit confused."

"Confused about what?"

Hesitantly, Everest explained her predicament. To her surprise, Ryder chuckled. "Ah, puppy love. It can be tricky. Maybe spending some time with both Marshall and Rocky might help you decide."

Everest's eyes lit up. "That's a great idea, Ryder! Thanks!"

With a newfound determination, Everest formulated a plan. She just hoped it wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings.

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