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The day of their "pup-cake date" dawned bright and clear. Everest, with a happy skip in her step, met Marshall at the Lookout entrance. He stood there, a goofy grin plastered across his face, holding a bouquet of… well, not exactly flowers.

"Everest!" he exclaimed, his tail wagging furiously. "Look what I made you!" He held out a bunch of brightly colored dog treats arranged in a paw-shaped formation.

Everest chuckled, touched by his effort. "They're beautiful, Marshall. Thank you!"

"No problem! Now, are you ready for the best date ever?"

Everest's heart did a happy little flip. "Absolutely!"

Marshall, ever the planner (though not in Rocky's organized way), had a surprise in store. He led Everest to a place she'd only heard stories about – Adventure Land amusement park. The air buzzed with excitement as the towering roller coasters and whirling teacups greeted their arrival.

Everest's eyes widened in delight. "Marshall, this is amazing!"

Marshall beamed. "Just wait till you see the Tilt-a-Whirl!"

They spent the entire day lost in a whirlwind of amusement. They shrieked with laughter as they rode the spinning teacups, stomachs churning as they braved the corkscrew roller coaster, and cheered as they raced each other on the bumper cars. Marshall, ever the daredevil, convinced Everest to try the "G-Force Gauntlet", a new and notoriously terrifying ride. When they finally emerged, pale but exhilarated, Everest threw her arms around him, burying her face in his fur.

"That was insane!" she exclaimed, laughter bubbling out of her.

Marshall wrapped his paw around her, his goofy grin wider than ever. "See? I told you it was the best!"

The fun didn't stop at rides. They devoured giant ice cream cones, Marshall getting most of it on his nose in his attempt to impress her with a juggling act, and won a ridiculous amount of prizes at the carnival games. Everest ended up with a giant stuffed plush yak and a flashing headband that made her ears light up – both gifts courtesy of Marshall's relentless pursuit of claw machine victory.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the park, they found themselves sitting on a bench, Everest leaning against Marshall's side, watching the twinkling lights flicker on.

"This was the best date ever, Marshall," Everest confessed, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "Thank you for everything."

Marshall, cheeks dusted pink, rubbed the back of his head with his paw. "Anytime, Everest. I just wanted to show you a good time."

The silence that followed was comfortable, filled with the distant sounds of park laughter and the quiet hum of their growing affection.

Everest, feeling a sudden boldness, broke the silence. "Marshall," she began, "Do you think… maybe you'd like to have a sleepover at my pup-house tonight?"

Marshall's eyes widened in surprise. "A sleepover? But… wouldn't it be more comfortable at your place?"

Everest shook her head, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Not really. I just… I like the idea of spending more time with you."

Marshall's heart soared. "Really? Me too, Everest. Me too."

And so, under the twinkling lights of Adventure Land, with the promise of a sleepover and a million more adventures to come, Everest and Marshall sealed their newfound bond with a playful nudge of noses, both hearts brimming with the joy of puppy love.

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