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The following afternoon, Everest gathered all the pups at the Lookout. The tension crackled in the air like static electricity. Rocky, his fur neatly combed, stood stiffly beside a nonchalant Marshall, who was chewing on a bone.

Everest took a deep breath. "Everyone," she began, her voice surprisingly steady. "Thank you for being so understanding about the whole… double date thing."

Rocky puffed out his chest, interjecting before she could continue. "Of course, Everest! It was all in the name of finding your perfect match, and that clearly has to be me."

Everest ignored Rocky's outburst, her gaze locking with Marshall's. His goofy grin was replaced with a gentle concern that tugged at her heartstrings. "The past two days," she continued, "showed me more than I ever expected. Rocky, your inventions are amazing, and your mind is brilliant. But your dates… well, they felt a bit too planned, too controlled."

Rocky bristled, but Everest pressed on. "And Marshall," she turned to him, her voice softening. "You, my clumsy, brave friend, surprised me the most. You showed me a strength I never knew you possessed, and a kindness that warms my soul."

Marshall's tail thumped against the ground, a nervous energy radiating from him.

"Both of you," Everest continued, addressing them both, "are amazing pups. But in the end, I need someone who appreciates me for who I am, flaws and all. Someone who can have fun without a map and who isn't afraid to get a little dirty."

Rocky's face contorted in disbelief. "Wait, Everest, you can't be serious! I put so much effort into those dates!"

Everest held up a paw, silencing him. "Effort is one thing, Rocky," she said gently. "But connection… that's what truly matters."

She then turned to Marshall, a shy smile gracing her face. "So, Marshall," she began, "would you like to go on a real first date with me? No schedules, no plans, just… us?"

Marshall's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Me? A real date with you? Absolutely, Everest! I'd love that!"

A loud yelp tore through the happy atmosphere. Rocky stomped his paw on the ground, his face flushed with anger. "This is ridiculous! You can't just choose the goofball over me!"

Marshall, ever the peacemaker, stepped forward. "Hey, Rocky, it's okay. I'm happy for Everest, whoever she chooses." He winked at Everest, a silent understanding passing between them.

Rocky, however, wasn't appeased. He launched into a tirade about rejection, missed opportunities, and the "unfairness" of it all. The other pups exchanged nervous glances, unsure what to do.

Everest, though, wasn't fazed.  Seeing Marshall's genuine happiness despite his own feelings for her warmed her heart even more. She stepped closer to him, their noses almost touching.

"Thanks, Marshall," she whispered, "for everything."

With a triumphant wag of his tail, Marshall replied, "Anytime, Everest. Now, how about that pup-cake date?"

Everest laughed, the sound echoing through the Lookout. As Rocky continued his rant, ignored by everyone, Everest couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The future with Marshall, unpredictable and messy as it might be, felt full of warmth, laughter, and adventures waiting to be had. And for the first time, she truly understood the meaning of puppy love.

a fight for Everest Where stories live. Discover now