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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯NOW PLAYING : My Will by Leon Thomas

ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯NOW PLAYING : My Will by Leon Thomas

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Margot Will Estates Neighborhood | Dallas, Texas
Wednesday, August 16, 7:11 P.M.


The night painted the sky with a deep velvety blue color that had scattered stars sparkling in the distance, as Deonte, Malik and Tee-Tee drove through the gated neighborhood of Margot Will Estates. 

This neighborhood was quiet, and the houses they passed were grand having manicured lawns with expensive cars lined in the driveways. Some houses had two cars parked in the driveway, some three, some even four.

Inside the car, Kevin Gates' Super General was playing on the radio system as the siblings enjoyed bantering and having a night drive, looking at the houses; happy to share a simple moment with each other.

Tee-Tee leaned forward from the back seat as her fingers tapped rhythmically on the readrest as she grinned mischievously at her brothers.

"Remember that time Deonte tried to impress that girl when he was in the ninth grade by making her some fried rice? His ass was always trying to woo somebody with some damn food," she teased, laughing heartily as she glanced at Malik.

Deonte smirked and rolled his eyes at the memory.

"Yeah, his ass locked himself in the room to pout and acted like he ain't wanna eat when she said she wanted to be friends," Malik chimed in as his voice dripped with amusement. 

A hee-hee hell, Deonte thought. "Ha.Ha. Hilarious," Deonte said dryly.

Malik and Tee-Tee threw out more insults, jokes, and old memories to tease Deonte, but as they turned a corner, the laughter died down when Malik's demeanor changed.

Malik's eyes narrowed as he spotted a car parked along the curb, just outside of one of the homes that had a Cowboys flag mounted on the front of it proudly. He squinted, tightening his grip on the wheel and eased his foot on the breaks. 

"Hold up," he muttered turning the radio all the way down. Deonte and Tee-Tee followed his gaze and their eyes fell on the car that looked familiar. Too familiar.

"Is that--?" Deonte trailed of as his stomach tightened thinking, that better not be that nigga shit.

"Yeah D," Malik cut in because there was no mistaking that it was Travis's car from earlier at Best Buy. He drove an all black 2010 Honda with a noticeable missing back bumper that marked it like a tattoo.

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