Chapter 5

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Kuraki P.O.V.

       As I wake up in this large white room, three young girls are staring at me.

"You're awake!" They say in unison.

       I start to remember everything, Doma and Tokiro, Muzan, and... that man. The man who saved me. The man who made me feel like I was in a fantasy.

"W-what happened to the man who saved me?" I asked the girls.

"Oh, he's ok!" They reassured me.

I sighed and lost consciousness again.

       When I woke up again, there was a lady with purple eyes and a butterfly pin in her hair standing over me.

       "Good, you finally came to again." She said. "Someone wants to see you."

Who would want to see me?

"You're awake!" A voice said shakily.

And then I saw him. The man who saved me. The man who took my breath away. On the bed next to me.

"Y-you wanted to see me?" I asked.

His cheeks turned pink. "Yes."

"I-I wanted to make sure you were okay. B-because you had blood on you, a-and-"

"I'm okay." I say.

He smiles. And we both look away awkwardly.

The truth is, even though I said I was fine, i'm not.

       That night, nightmares of Doma tearing Tokiro's clothes, attacking her and killing her. Her screams haunted my ears, echoing through these terrible nightmares. Nightmares of my brother, KILLING someone.

       I wake up crying and screaming.

Yay, longer chapter! Also, yes, Kuraki will learn Rengoku's name soon lol. See you in da next chapterrrrr

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