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Yesterday I found a note tucked a little rock under the tree. It was from Ashton.

"What happened? I thought we'd hit it off, that we were friends and now you've disappeared on me. Is there something wrong? Is it me? You could've told me to my face but I get the message. Loud. And. Clear!"

My heart broke when I read it. Something was wrong but of course it isn't him! I ruined the closest thing to a friendship I had.

I've been sitting here for a while now waiting for him. He isn't coming. I tell myself. I get up to leave, but before I leave I write him a note back. Just in case he comes.

" It isn't you. Please wait until I get here (if you ever come back).
PS: I'm sorry.
x x Abi "

I leave but I don't go home. Instead, I walk around this town I call home. It's seems so different from the actual "home" I live in, so foreign. People happy and laughing, couples holding hands, families enjoying eachothers' company in restaurants. All things I'd love to experience. There are so many things I've never noticed in this town. Like the small art gallery called Original, that shows local art. Or the café that smells heavenly - of freshly baked muffins and all kinds of tea and coffee - open 24 hours every day. It's owned by this cute couple in their fifties, Mr and Mrs Jacobs, who are extremely nice and give me coffee and a muffin on the house, "A first timers gift" that's what they called it.

As I'm sitting in a booth near the window enjoying my scrumptious muffin and heavenly coffee. I gaze lazily out the window and immediately fall inlove with what I see. Just down the road there's this cute music shop. Cute, because it's small but also beautiful. Really amazing. I become drawn to it. I leave the café and with my coffee in one hand and a muffin wrap in the other walk down to the shop. I toss the muffin wrap in a bin on the side of the road and enter World Sound.

It has this vintage feel about it. Absolutely beautiful!

I'm just walking around marvelling at the gorgeous instruments I wish I could play when I bump into a tall, curly-brown-haired boy. "Sorry," I'm about to say when he turns around and I realise I know him. Oh boy.

"Ashton, " I almost whisper, surprised. He doesn't say anything, just looks at me a while then he turns around and walks away. Ugh he's angry with me. I dunno how to deal with people emotions. Here goes nothing.

"Ashton wait! Please. Just let me explain, " I beg.

He stops in his tracks, "I'm listening, " he says.

" I have a lot to tell you Ash, come I know this cool coffee place. We can talk there. "

"I dunno, " he looks, not angry, but, let down, disappointed. Which makes things worse. My heart aches. I'm so stupid! How could I forget?

"Ashton come on, I know you're mad at me and that fine, I understand. Just know that it wasn't my intention to stand you up, it's just ..." I draw in a breath unaware of the tears rolling down my face, "It's just that alot has happened all to fast and I ..."

The tears take over streaming down my face like rivers. I don't notice him walk to me but I feel his arms wrap around me, comforting, as he pulls me in close and locks me in a tight bear hug.

With my head against his chest, I can hear his heart beat. Steady beneath his strong chest. I listen to this soothing steady rhythm feeling his chest rise and fall against my cheek until I am calm and the tears stop coming. I don't know why I'm crying. I hate crying!

"Come on now," he whispers his breathe warm against my ear, "Enough with waterworks, come let's go over to the café I'll buy you breakfast," he smiles.

"Breakfast? Ash it's seven pm, nobody serves breakfast at this hour!"

He looks at me, smirking, " That's where you're wrong, " he says conspirationally and winks. He extends his hand to me, " Come on," he coaxes . I hesitantly place my hand in his and we walk out of World Sound, hand-in-hand.

As it turns out Jay's Café does serve breakfast at this hour right until midnight.

"We'll have some pancakes, " he smiles at the waitress who jots down our order on her notepad.

"Coming right up," she smiles placing the pen and notepad in her apron pocket.

He turns back to me, "Do you like pancakes?" he questions, " They have the best pancakes here!" he tells me excitedly.

"I love pancakes." I whisper, tracing the engravements on the table with my finger. But you're wrong my mom makes the best.

And I'm crying again, I can't help it.

"Abi, don't cry. Please don't cry, we could order something else," he looks panicked.

I shake my head, " No, really, I love pancakes. " I try a small smile. It's almost there, "It's just, my mom," I bite my lower lip as it begins to tremble, "My mom makes ... made, well, her pancakes were amazing."

He looks at me long and hard, " Talk to me," he says, " Tell me everything, help me understand."

. . . .

AN: Hey guys well this is even shorter than my last update it felt longer when I wrote it, I promise. I'm just glad you're reading. Exams are over soon so more of this will be up. Thanks for giving my book a chance. Tell me if you're liking it.

PS: it's Ashton's birthday today so happy birthday to my babe
xx Anna.

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