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❣︎ᴄʜᴇʀɪsʜ MAE ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍs❣ ⇩

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❣︎ᴄʜᴇʀɪsʜ MAE ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍs❣

𝟼:𝟻𝟹 𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝟸𝟽 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺

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𝟼:𝟻𝟹 𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝟸𝟽 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺 .

𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑠ℎ blew a heavy sigh as she pushed the 5th box in her room at her grandmothers house, grandma melvis . She had just moved in with her 2 days ago because of her mommy and daddy issues .

Ever since she could remeber her mom was an acholic, but it worsend when her father decided he didn't want to be in there life anymore. Cherish was only 7 when he up and left and from that moment on she never felt loved .

As she sits on the boxes out of breathe , tired , and hungry she calls her grandma .
"grandma !!" she yells . She only viseted her 5 times from age 5 to 11 so she was still getting use to her altgough she would send 15k every month to help her mother. But ofcourse it was wasted on alcohol and dumb shit she didn't need.

"Yes baby?" Grandma Melvis asked.
"Could you make  me something to eat while I unpack? I haven't ate today in so hungry." She asked while trying to remember what she ate .

"Yea sure, you're gonna eat whatever I cook so I don't wanna hear nothing." She says while pointing her finger while squinting her eyes .

Boredom clouded the 17 year old face as she watched her grandmother walk out the medium sized room .

Cherish thought about saying something slick but quickly remembered who she was talking to. She didn't mean to be disrespectful she just was never taught basic respect growing up, she wished she had a good mother figure in her life. But since her mother ran away with her dad at a young age that wasn't possible.

All of the women in her life except her grandmother never showed her the proper way to act not even her teachers. Resulting in her getting into fights, arguing, having bad attitudes and failing she was smart but she skipped a lot of her classes. Thankfully she never got held back.

1 hour had passed and she was only done with 3 boxes but her room looked pretty decent. She had her new led lights on purple and her bed frame was already put together when she came, a vanity that wasn't built and her dresser with the tv. All that stuff was new from her grandma of course back home she had nothing but a mattress, pillow and blanket

She walked downstairs heading to the kitchen smelling spaghetti and meatballs. Even though it was basic it was probably the best meal she had in like 2 years.

"Thanks...it looks good." She tight lip smiled walking around the island to the dishwasher grabbing a fork. "You're welcome I'll make sure to leave some leftovers. Also, before I forget i have some money for you for back to school shopping, you'll be starting on the 31st." Her grandmother said remember what she was supposed to tell her.

"Oh! One more thing every week you'll receive 150 dollars for allowance, if your behavior and grades are good it will go up if not it will go down." She warned.

Cherish nodded her head liking that deal because it would be easy to maintain if she really tried, plus she never really had money for herself it always went to waste.

Her mother could never keep the lights on, nor the water paid and especially never keep the fridge full. There was times when there was only water and ketchup in the fridge.

So in result she was embarrassed to invite her friends over and only went to there house. When they realized why, they bullied her and stopped being her friends her whole school life was ruined. They would make fun of the repeated outfits she wore, riding the bus and stupid stuff like that.

Cherish picked up her fork with a frown on her face scooping up the spaghetti before realizing she had no drink, getting up she walked to the fridge and scanned it for something.

She spotted some strawberry lemonade and grabbed her a cup pouring the juice, walking back to the fridge she put the juice back and sat down at the island chair and ate her food.

As she was eating she thought back to what her grandma said about school, she hoped nobody would mess with her because she wanted to keep her grandmothers trust but her patience and disrespect tolerance was low.

Everything would be



Lmfaoo idk if this was good but yea

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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