Chapter 4: The Little Troll Child

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Back in the mountains, Hilda was trying to sleep, but she was hungry. Her grumbling stomach, and hunger pains kept her up. She was also shivering and felt cold

Hilda: "I'm so hungry. And I'm so cold."

Just then, she heard a little sound.

Baba: "Baba!"

Hilda: "Huh? Who said that?"

She looked down, and saw a little troll child in front of her. She gave her a warm smile.

Hilda: "Hello, little troll. What are you doing in my cave?"

The little troll made a sad face, and backed away. She looked scared.

Hilda: "It's okay. I won't hurt you. Come on. Climb up onto my hand. I want to get a good look at you."

The little troll climbed up Hilda's soft hand. Hilda gently raised her up to her face.

Hilda: (giggles) "Aw. You're so tiny and cute. I don't feel so lonely anymore. I'm Hilda. Do you have a name?"

Baba: "Baba!"

Hilda: "Hello, Baba."

She put her down, and Baba laid next to the giantess.

Hilda: "You're welcome to live here with me."

And that's exactly what she did. Hilda then gave Baba a big kiss. She let down her long blue hair and Baba rested on it.

Hilda "Sweet dreams, Baba."

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