Hero-ing 101!

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"You need more friends." Ayame stated as she sat next to me in class.

"No thanks." I say, rolling my eyes. It's only our second day and I'm already tired. Not of school, of people.

"Oh, c'mon! You'd be happier with friends." Ayame teased.

"Doubt it."

"You would be!"

"Friends make depression magically disappear? We should tell the world health organisation. They'd want to know about this new drastic discovery that'll drop suicide rates by such a significant amount!" I sarcastically suggest, rolling my eyes once again.

"See that's how I know we're friends now! You're cracking jokes." Ayame nudged my shoulder.

"Not friends." I mumble.

"Agree to disagree." Ayame laughed, she went to open her mouth again but was cut off by a loud voice.

"I am here! Coming through the door like a hero!" All Might dramatically enters. All Might. The number one! I sit up straighter and watch in awe. The class starts to talk in excitement but I'm speechless. He's my main inspiration for becoming a hero. He's not my favourite hero of all time, but probably my favourite of all the current active heroes. I want to save people like he has, be an inspiration to others. Wait! He's wearing his silver age costume! So cool!

"Welcome! To the most important class at UA! Think of it as 'Hero-ing 101'! Here you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!" All Might dramatically poses again.

"Are you smiling? You're an All Might fangirl." Ayame realises staring at me in shock.

"Shut up. Don't ruin this for me." I mutter, focusing on All Might still.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is looking good!" All Might points to the wall as compartments start to slide out. "These were designed for you based on your quirk registration form and the requests you sent in before school." He explains. These must be our costumes. "Get yourselves suited up, then meet me at training ground beta!" He heads off, presumably to ground beta. Everyone quickly grabbed their costumes and headed for the locker rooms to change.

My costume was comprised of a sleeveless black bodysuit with black cargo pants, a utility belt and some combat boots. Doesn't look too hero-like so I added a dark red cape. Some might think it's childish but whenever I think of the best and greatest heroes, they have capes. I look around at the other girls and it seems like most of them have gotten dressed, I raise a brow at Suzuki.

"A black bodysuit? That's it?" I stare at her, questioning.

"Nope! Just gotta finish my costume outside." Suzuki smirks as she heads out. I curiously follow her to see her grow plants and flowers onto her costume. "See? Now I look one with nature."

"Hippie." I mutter as I walk past her, shaking my head.

"You love me!" She calls out, waiting there to show off to the rest of the girls. Jirou strolls out and quickly compliments Suzuki before catching up to me.

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