The Shrink

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"VICTIMS' FAULT OR IMPUNITY?" The headline of my report reads. Beneath it is a large image of one of the families who'd lost their loved ones during a funeral ceremony, and additional smaller images of Maxim in his luxurious mansion and the chemical filled lands. On the right bottom end of the page is a long caption; Creekville's tycoon distances himself and his company from the deaths, injuries, health complications, and loss of property resulting from unregulated chemical waste disposal.

Despite my displeasure reading this piece, two things are eating at me. I still can't shake off the feeling that Maxim's Elis is also Lex's Elis. Now, that would be quite the story. In addition, I have been stressing over the serial killer story since last night, after the cops were presented with another gift. I am not so much upset that I don't get to cover this page-turner just yet owing to the missing details, but because this cold-blooded killer is running free in the streets! How hard can it be to catch one man? I wonder, and suddenly, I am overwhelmed by the need to do some digging. Before going back home for my usual two hours of sleep, I managed to squeeze some files of my own from Mark. Pushing the newspaper aside, I pull the desk drawer, grab the file, and start reading. There has to be an answer in here somewhere.

I hardly turn three pages before a face I know all too well appears. I can feel knots forming in my stomach. David is identified as Dalia's therapist, and from what I can read, she has been seeing him for months! But he did tell you he is a shrink! my subconscious yells at me, forcing me to stop accusing the god-like man staring right back at me, smiling like he knew I would be seeing this picture. Honestly, I don't know how to feel about this. He couldn't possibly be a killer, a serial killer, no less. This reminds me we have hardly talked since our last, or was it first date, and I can't help but wonder what was keeping him preoccupied. Perhaps he was planning a murder, I think before face-palming, because even I cannot believe how unbelievable the sheer thought is. Among the many details of his and Dalia's encounters is his office address. Against everything I believe in, I gather myself out of my office.  

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