4. prank

22 10 23

The last date? What a disaster. The guy was an illiterate fool. I only showed up because of the building ownership. Marriage? I couldn't care less. I ranted on and on about how meaningless it all felt to me

Come on, shekhar sighed You can't spend your whole life alone. You need to marry someone

But I am fully capable, financially and physically. I can live by myself I argued

No excuses, I'm not going to handle this date thing for you. You need to attend it no matter what You only have 30 minutes left, so you better reach the destination before then Shekhar announced

You think you can order me arou- And the call was hung up on me Wow, me getting this treatment? Unexpected!

Reaching the hotel lounge, I saw my date waiting for me at the entrance, his posture upright and a polite smile on his face.

Hello Mrs Verma he said, extending his hand toward me.

Hello, Mr Mehra I replied, shaking his hand

We walked to the table together, and at least this fool had some manners he pulled out the chair for me to sit

Thank you I murmured, sitting down

After settling in, we exchanged a few pleasantries. He then handed me the menu Please, order what you like he said warmly

I glanced through the menu and made my choice.

I'll have the same he told the waiter, smiling

As we waited for our meals, we continued to talk

So, do you have anything to tell me before we finalize the marriage decision? he asked, looking at me intently

I don't have anything in my mind right now. You should tell me if you have something, I replied, leaning back into my chair

Thank you, we both said in unison when our food arrived

So, I don't really care about your past relationships, but I have some things I need you to know beforehand he professed

You may continue, I said taking some food onto my plate

You need to respect my parents and my sister. She can be a little brat sometimes, but It won't be extreme and you'll need to leave your career and be a housewife. It's not that I don't like you working or that I don't want an educated and independent woman, but I need someone who can take care of my family when I'm not present he said

I placed my spoon down at the sudden revelation. Sorry? I asked needing to be sure he meant what he said

You heard it he announced firmly

Do you know I'm here for the date just for the sole purpose of having my company's building, and you're telling me to leave my career? I retorted, my voice rising with disbelief

I'm sorry, but I am looking for someone who can do this he said, his gaze steady and unyielding

Then I'm not the one I replied, my voice unwavering I am a workaholic, and my career is basically my whole life, I can't give that up. I stood up, my chair scraping against the floor, and without another word I walked away heading straight for my car

As I drove home, my mind raced with the events of the evening. How could he expect me to give up everything I've worked for? My phone buzzed with a message from Shekhar.

Shekhar: How did it go?

Me: Disaster He wants a housewife. Not happening

Shekhar: Ugh, Let's catch up tomorrow?

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