[Special Chapter: Salvation Of A Saintess and The Reunion]

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(3rd POV)

"Burn the witch!" Joanne winced at the malicious slander that was levied against her by the common folk. "Kill the sinner!"

"Die false saint!" Yet even as she was being brought to the pyre where she was to be burned and to be branded as a heretic by the church or the clergy of this region where she was being held.

She hold no malice or ill intent given she knew they were innocent and had only been following the words spoken by her captors.

She felt disappointment rather than any hint of hatred that would've bubbled in any person's heart were they in her own position.

But she sticked to her faith and to the principles she followed, she had fought for her people and her country and had sought to end the war that had wrought ruin upon both nations.

A pointless war over the French throne, she felt insulted and hurt that the nobles that had been chosen to guide the people fail to full their duties.

She had seen and witnessed the pain and suffering of the common people and had wondered why? Why do they fight this pointless war? Is it not enough that they smear their oaths to heaven and to God.

Yet... what horrified her most was when She heard the murmurs of the Lord, the pain in his voice had peirce her heart as if thorns ensared it and every beat brought pain unlike any.

The Lord was weeping, lamenting over the needless suffering and pain that his own children's, the ones he so belovedly gave the earth for their's to rule.

Where he sacrifice himself and his son to cleanse the sins of man... yet here she sees them blinded by their greed, by the power they hold, by the seven sins they were so warned to avoid.

"Lord forgive them for they know not of the sins that others wrought to our lands." She thought with prayer hoping to have the lord forgive them and to not damn their souls upon hell.

His Daemons will no doubt come should the Lord deemed their actions sinful or insulting, he may love creation they are often warned that should they go too far he will act accordingly to punish them.

Some heeded this words... while others not so much, devils she had fought and beaten across the years had shown to be afraid of incurring the heavens or hells wrath or worse both sides and that spell doom for anyone for that meant that God had enough of their actions.

The church had been intervening and threatened both sides many times if they ever pulled innocent lives into their petty war, stating that they useless squabble over an empty throne will one day incur the lord's wrath.

Of course the nobles or a majority of the ones supporting the current rulers on both sides would scoff at this but the church holds heavy power when pushed too far or angered.

They were God's messengers on earth as angels or daemons rarely appeared, their were of course various branches and the ones in the Vatican is mainly focused on European affairs, at least the western while their Orthodoxy, Islamic, and other counterpart focus on their respective spheres of influence across the world.

Or so she had been taught by the priest in her town, she had always been awed by the tales that Father Willard spoke of every Sunday or whenever she visits the church.

The sixty year old man was a devoted follower of the church's teachings, especially the Ten Commandments in its more detailed version unlike the simplified one that most people knew.

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