Chapter 4

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A/N I accidentally titled chapter 4 as chapter 5. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will continue with chapter 6 instead of making another chapter 5. Also I'm thinking of publishing more chapters as there are many parts of the story I want to share.

You woke to see Xiao watching quietly.
The sky was dark, making it quite hard to see the outline of your hand even inches away from your face.
"You're awake."
You nodded. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, occasionally breaking to make a small comment.
"You should rest." You told Xiao.
"So should you."
"I just woke up."
"I'll sleep if you sleep."
"Hn. Ok."
As Xiao fell asleep, you walked over to him. He had a worried expression on his face; which resulted in you smoothing the crease between his brows. You brushed a strand of hair off his face and sat down next to him and rested your head on the balcony railing.
The next few days passed easily, the only thing that caught your attention was wondering what was happening in the normal world; even then it didn't stay in your head very long.
You took many hours per day just walking around Liyue, whether it was walking around the harbor or finding floating structures that had amazing views. If you weren't exploring Liyue, your head was buried in a book.
You didn't see Xiao much, and the few times you did, he was either covered in blood (thankfully not his own) or sleeping.
You weren't necessarily close—and you didn't think you would ever be that close—so most of your conversations were quick, usually ending in Xiao looking like he wanted to say something but never doing so.
Occasionally, during your conversations with Xiao, you'd look down at your hand to see a flash of red. It only lasted for a second—you'd blink, and poof—it was gone. Thinking you were just imagining things, you put it off.
Sometimes, when you'd wake up after sleeping for hours you'd find glowing amber eyes staring back at you. They seemed to provide a sense of comfort, as your nightmares vanished.
Being at Wangshuu Inn, however, while it did give a sense of comfort and safety, did not give you motivation to keep a normal schedule. Most days it was three hours of sleep here and seven there. You could get as little as one hour and as much as eight. This did not take away from your energy, however. Exploration was an important thing—even if you did it before you got transported here.

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