chepter 5

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lanxichen went to the garden and saw that his father had filled the entire garden with peony flowers (because his brother loved peony flowers his brother had planted a peony flowers plant in the garden, which he took care of with all his heart, but after his death, this work is now done by his father, now he has filled the entire garden with penoy flowers plant) lanxichen  goes to his father and calls him


xichen, what are you doing here? Why didn't you go to office today? Are you feeling well today? lan qurian said

"dad"Would you like to eat lunch with us today And I also wanted to introduce you to someone"lanxichen said smiling

"No" you know now I like to eat alone so I won't be able to eat with you guys and I don't like meeting anyone anymore so I don't want to meet anyone" lan qurian said

But"dad" you will be happy after meeting the person I want you to meet, his name is yibo he has come from a country side village to study here. he was looking for a PG to live in, so I brought him to our house"lanxichen said

xichen, when did we start having shortage of money? You turned our mansion into a PG And you brought an unknown boy into our mansion "lan qurian said

No, it is not like that, once you meet him, you will tell me that I have done a very good job, I brought him to our house , you will be very happy to see him, yibo is a very polite and nice boy"lanxichen said

Okay, if you live, I will meet him there, but I will eat food alone, I do not like to eat food with anyone"lan qurian said lan qurian said

"okay dad"lanxichen said

Then lan qurian and lanxichen talk about many things here and there and then at lunch time both of them come inside

Going inside, lanxichen calls yanali and asks, is yibo okay now, how is the pain in his leg, he is having pain right now

No, his leg pain is fine now, I had given him pain killer, after taking rest for some time, he is now talking to his parents"yanali said

What happened to the boy's legs? Why does his legs hurt? lan qurian asked shockingly

"Actually"dad"He had an accident with my car when he was looking for a PG for himself "lanxichen said

yanali is lunch ready? Should I call yibo and bring him for lunch lanxichen asked yanali

"yes"lunch is ready "Till you call him and bring him, I will take dad towards the dining table"yanali said And she takes her father-in-law to the dinner table

When lanxichen went to yibo room and saw yibo , yibo was talking to his parents but as soon as he saw lanxichen, he said good bye to his parents and disconnected the phone And after that yibo says

"sir you here" yibo said

I came here to call you, lunch is ready, let's go and have lunch. You probably haven't eaten anything since morning" lanxichen said

yibo nodded his head" yes"And he gets up and starts walking but then suddenly lanxichen supports him And he says that your legs have not healed yet, do not put too much pressure on them otherwise it will cause more pain

Then after that lanxichen brings yibo out supporting him

lan qurian was sitting on the chair whose face was towards the front. He did not look back. Both lanxichen and yibo were standing behind him

When yanali sees both of them, she calls yibo and says to yibo come here and sit here.

But when lan qurian looks back after listening to yanali, he stands at his place and while standing, he just keeps looking at yibo silently And tears start flowing from his eyes He runs and hugs yibo and starts crying loudly

Yibo could not understand why this man was hugging him and crying so loudly.

Then lanxichen tells his father that his legs are hurt, he will feel pain, he needs support, if you hold him like this, his legs will start hurting

lan qurian comes to his senses after listening to lanxichen and then he nods his head"yes"After that he wipes his tears and helps lanxichen in supporting yibo and taking him to the dining table

On the other hand, yibo was not able to understand what was happening here, why everyone gets shocked after seeing him and then starts crying

lan qurian points yibo towards wangji seat and asks him to sit there.

yibo understands lan qurian gesture and sits at the same place

Seeing yibo sitting on wangji seat, everyone has tears in their eyes as they feel that wangji is sitting in front of them

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