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Seeing yibo going to his room like this, weiying asked what has happened to him, why is he showing anger

weiying, don't pay any attention to it, he will be fine in a few days but we should go to xiao zhan at this time, he needs us, now we all are a family,"wangji said

Wangji is right, right now we should stand with xiao zhan he needs all of us, he has taken such a big decision, he needs to be very strong from inside I am just sad about one thing that I was about to become a great grandfather but now I will not get this happiness"lan qurian said

dad"This is the decision of both of them, we cannot go against their decision, they both do what they think is right"wangji said

Okay, now leave all these things, both of you are ready to go, at this time you should stand with the xiao  family because at this time they would be in the worst condition"Carmenlie said

By the way, which hospital are those people going to?"lanxichen asked

They are going to Wenqing's hospital because Wenqing is a gynecologist"wangji said

Then yanali says to weiying that okay both of you go and a-xian, you show yourself to wenqing because since yesterday you have been stressed a lot, it can affect the child

weiying nodded his head yes and Then weiying eyes fall on bobo who was eating his breakfast and then weiying looks at him and says, I can't take him to the hospital

Don't worry about bobo we all will handle this together. You go to the hospital right now, xiao zhan needs you right now"Carmenlie said

weiying  nodded his head yes  and then goes to his room to get ready. Going into the room, he sees that wangji is standing near a window with his back facing him

weiying goes to him and places his hand on her shoulder. wangji then looks back and sees that weiying is standing near him but weiying sees that tears were coming from wangji eyes

wangji, what happened, tears in your eyes, since yesterday you are looking the strongest to everyone, but now why are there tears in your eyes"weiying ask

Because I can't cry in front of everyone, especially I can't stop myself in front of my son, if I cry in front of him then he will lose Because yibo can't see the tears in my eyes, so what will he not feel like doing? For the sake of my happiness, he will say yes to the thing and he don't want this, I don't want to force my son, But I can't deny that the  baby a part of our son If it is the blood of one's own yibo, it will be destroyed today"wangji said emotionally

Okay, let's get ready now, nothing will happen by our crying or saying anything, since we have left the decision to both of them, now we cannot do anything, now only if xiao zhan wants, something can happen, but xiao zhan now wouldn't want that"weiying said also emotionally

Both get ready and leave for the hospital


(Xiao mension)

Zhouyang, you should talk to your son, he should not take such a big decision so soon, later he will regret for this decision, how can he destroy a small life"mrs xiao said emotionally

Lily, we cannot force our son, he has grown up now,We should not have forcefully brought him from America. Now I am realizing how much trouble we have put him in by bringing him here, so I will not force him now, now he will live his life as per his own wish"mr xiao said sadly

Meanwhile, xiao zhan comes there and tells his parents that I am ready, let's go hospital,

Lily looks into her son's eyes and she understands that her son is very broken from inside because from within he himself does not want to harm his children but he is doing

Then Lily stands up from her place and goes to xiao zhan and lovingly caresses xiao zhan head with her hand and says are you okay, we are going to leave now. If you want to change your decision then we both can are with you If you want to keep this child, then both of us will take responsibility of this child

No mom, I cannot give birth to him because if I move ahead in life and do not look back at him, then there will be an emptiness in his eyes for me and later I cannot see his in pain before this.....................While saying this, xiao zhan stops midway and then says, let's not delay much now

Then after that all three leave for the hospital


All three go to the hospital and meet wenqing. After talking to wenqing about something important, wenqing tells xiao zhan to get ready, wear the clothes for the operation, after that your abortion will be done

xiao zhan also goes to change his clothes with the nurse after listening to wenqing. When he comes out after changing his clothes, he sees weiying and wangji standing outside. Seeing wangji and weiying, his eyes get a little wet but he does not say anything

weiying quickly goes and hugs xiao zhan and starts moving his hand lovingly on his head. Meanwhile, wenqing comes out and tells xiao zhan to come, now the time has come

I am fine uncle, now maybe I have to go, you guys don't worry about me I will be fine Saying this, xiao zhan goes inside the operation theater with wenqing

Half an hour had passed since xiao zhan had gone inside the operation theater when suddenly weiying eyes fell on the main door from where yibo was running and falling, his body was completely drenched in blood Seeing yibo in this condition, weiying screams


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