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Then dad asked what happened, why did the phone fall from your hand, then I told him that the car with which wangji had ran away from here had fallen into the ditch

Hearing this, my mother became unconscious and then we quickly reached the place where wangji car had fallen into the ditch. We saw that the same car had fallen in the ditch which was in a very bad condition. There were many policemen there. Who told me that we were not able to go down because the gorge is very deep If someone had fallen from here, he would hardly have survived.

Hearing this, my dad fell on his knees and" mom"She didn't give any reaction at all, she just started looking straight towards the ditch from where wangji car had fallen At that time I was not able to understand whether I should take care of mom or dad

Our condition was the same as that of those people. We wanted to cry but were unable to cry siejie  started crying loudly and was taking weiying name,I somehow managed to take care of siejie and then some people were sent down but when they came back they said that they had not found anything down there and if there was any dead body then the wild animals would take it" Jiang Zhang said teary eyes

Then after that we all came back home Tears were not stopping from dad's eyes but Mom was not saying anything. She was just silently looking at one place. I tried to bring her to her senses but she was not coming to that place either. She was looking at the statue at one place In these 16 years, mother did not say even one octave until she saw you. It was only after seeing you that she came to her senses During these 16 years, it seems as if there has been a gloom in both of our houses

We did not think that such a big accident would happen that day. I thought that if we separated them, then after a few days their obsession with each other would reduce Because thinking how can a boy love another boy and what will happen to the society, I thought of taking wangji away from weiying I did not know that wangji would take such a big step that he would commit suicide by taking weiying with him"lan qurian said and crying

yibo listened to everyone's conversation but then suddenly yibo eyes fell on madam "yu "and he said to her, now what do you say, you have done so much with both of them, you did not have even the slightest mercy on this innocent child

Now madam starts saying I didn't know that my doing this would lead to such a big accident. I thought that I just wanted to get rid of weiying. I didn't want to see him in my house for a moment but I didn't know that he would leave this world that I did not know what happened throughout the night. When I woke up in the morning, I saw that there was no one at home, so I did not take much tension. I thought that they must have gone to the hospital with weiying Let the people come back. So I talk to those people well But those people did not come back till afternoon. When they came back, I asked them where all three had gone, then none of the three answered my question. Meanwhile,  fangming told  Zhang, yanali that you go and rest now and then in the evening. We also have to call everyone There have been deaths in both the houses so now this marriage will not happen I was surprised to hear fangming words and started asking who has died, who has died in both the houses But no one responded to my words. It seemed as if I was not even in the house and I had become invisible to these people Since that day, no one has talked to me. My son gets angry on seeing me, does not eat food from my hand, does not talk to me. In these 16 years, I have regretted so much that I cannot talk but Even he has not forgiven me till date My anger had turned me into a devil but now I understand that I had made a big mistake. By doubting my husband, I destroyed my own world madam said all this and then she also started crying bitterly.

yibo listened to what they were saying and tears welled up in his eyes, then he said that you people had become so heartless that you did not understand their love and started trying to separate them
We only think about the society, what will the society think, let it be if our house catches fire, but we only have to show ourselves good in front of the society, due to which we even lose our valuable things This society talks about us only for two days and then forgets us, but to show our good status in front of the society, we give trouble to our own children"yibo said

yibo remains silent for some time and then smilingly says, you rich people do not listen to the mind of your children, never spend time with them, you just give them money and think that you have done your responsibility It is good that I am from a middle class family, otherwise if I had been from such a rich family like you guys, then perhaps my parents would not have paid so much attention to me. Do you know how much my dada loves me? Even if I don't speak, he understands what I want But you people did not listen to the hearts of your children, you only listened to your own hearts.

Saying this, yibo starts crying and then says that the mistakes you guys have made cannot be rectified now, what is gone is gone but now you guys start your life Listen to your children, what they want, don't ignore them.

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