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"Blaze, I warn you. This planet is dangerous. Don't do anything stupid." Gempa as their leader warns his brother.

"I wouldn't do that Abang Gempa. Don't worry about me. Hehe." Blaze said and scratched his head.

"No. I mean what I said. Don't mess this up. Don't burn anything on this planet." Gempa warns him seriously.

"Yes yes. I get it. I wouldn't burn anything on this planet I promise. If I do that, Abang Taufan will die because of my stupidity, and Duri will have to be sacrificed if I try to save him from..." Before Blaze gets to finish his sentence, he gets cut off by Taufan's shout.

"Hey, what do you mean by that?" Taufan shout.

"Hmm, I heard from Abang Hali that the three of us would do this mission together. So of course I will sell two of your names." Blaze replies childishly.

"Don't worry Abang Taufan, it wouldn't mean anything." Duri tried to assure his older brother while smiling at his older brother.

"Duri, you don't know the history of this planet. It's dangerous to say something like that here." Taufan tells in worry.

"Chill Abang Taufan. I wouldn't burn anything on this planet so don't worry." Blaze reply.

"And who said I assign three of you to go together? Hali just suggested it since you guys' cooperation becomes better as time passes by. But it's dangerous. So, like usual, I'm gonna assign Blaze with Ais." Gempa interrupts.

"Woah, with Ais!" Blaze excitedly said as he put his right hand around Ais's shoulder.

"Okay, I get it, Blaze. Don't hug me like this." Ais said as he tried to free himself from his twin's hug.

"Do you think it's okay, Abang Gempa?" Solar suddenly asks.

"That's the only way Solar. Only Ais could make Blaze behave." Gempa tell.

"But what if it's not his fault? More like he's forced to do it?" Ais suddenly asks.

"If it's Blaze, I don't think he will be forced to do it," Halilintar replied coldly.

"You look down too much on me, Abang Hali," Blaze replied annoyed.

Both of them glare at each other before Gempa separates them from one another.

"Enough. Hali, you will go with me and Solar. Taufan, go with Duri. Try to find this mysterious power sphere without touching anything on this planet. Now move." Gempa said he gave them his command as their leader.

"Yes sir!" All of them salute their leader.




"Our older brother always looks down much to me. It's irritating." Blaze complains while crossing his hand on his chest as he walks with Ais.

"Can't blame them though. Trouble always finds you after all." Ais replies casually. 

"But that's in the past. I know how to control my power now. I wouldn't light up my fire without any valid reason. Like come on, they should've had faith in me." Blaze argues back and still doesn't feel happy with his brother's warning.

"Blaze, I know now that you wouldn't do anything stupid. I believe in you, Blaze." Ais suddenly says making Blaze's eyes widen before he looks down.

"As expected from my twin. But if that means I must save you and others, I wouldn't hesitate to do that, Ais." Blaze replies and smiles at his twin who looks taken aback. He then smiles softly before continuing to walk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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