Evan's time with Calypso 5

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Calypso was in her bathroom taking a shower and humming as she turned off the water and wrapped two towels around her body and head

She walked out and dried herself off then she brushed her teeth, flossed with dental string, cleaned her ears with cotton swabs

Then she brushes her fur nicely with her brush, she then she puts some makeup on her eyelashes and fixes her fur in the way she likes it

Then she grabs her blue scarf that she always wears and wrapped it around her neck, she grabs her things and locked up before leaving

She was humming a tune while riding her bike that made the wind blowing through her fur as he strolls down

  At the Glasshouse elementary school where she teaches kids valuable lessons about life, and help them grow up to become great adults in the future, just like their parents

As she sets everything up, the tables, toys, books, pillows, opened the windows to let the sir and sun in, she goes to the kitchen to make some tea before the children arrive

A few hours later all the children were there doing different activities like the Terriers, Joe, Dan, Adam, and including their new brother Winston playing as knights

Jack, Rusty and Mackenzie were playing army outside, Bluey and Mixie were selling fish & chips in the corner, and Calypso was sitting on a stool and was knitting something with blue yarn

As the hours passed it was time for the children to go home, one by one the parents were arriving and picking up their kids, one in particular was her favourite to see

And that was Evan arriving with one of his parents to pick up his little sister Bluey, and little cousin Mixie, Calypso's tail was wagging and she waves goodbye as they drove off

She cleans up the school and locks it before leaving, she rides her bike and was going to the markets to get her groceries and other things

When she arrived she started buying fruits and veggies, some sweets a little bit too while she's there, she's a casual there and knows the vendors she meets everyday there

She sees Busker the neighbourhood musician, and her friend from high school back when she was younger

Calypso waves at him and he stopped playing his guitar to wave back at her and returned back to playing

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Calypso waves at him and he stopped playing his guitar to wave back at her and returned back to playing

She puts 5 bucks in his case and decided to grab something to eat, but her eyes widened as she sees Evan buying a smoothie from Juniper

Her heart beats a bit faster and she slowly walks up to him, she gently taps his shoulder and he turns around

Evan: oh hey!, nice to see ya here calypso

Calypso: yeah, same thing, what are you doing here Evan?

Evan: just wanted to do something interesting instead of just being in my room or doing something else, how about you?

Calypso: here to get some groceries and a bite to eat, wanna go get some food together?

Evan: sure one sec, i want to get this autumn smoothie here

Calypso: oh what's in the smoothie?

Evan: it's Mango, Banana, Oranges, Watermelon, apple all blended up with ice to make it, taste really good!

When Evan got his smoothie he gave Calypso a try and she took a sip of it and found it to be delicious too

Then they grabbed some german sausage from Grubber and his dad, they took a seat at the tables and watched Busker play as they eat

Calypso then had abs idea and gave her unfinished food to Evan, she went to Busker and whispers "Busker could i you play while i sing?, like when we were young, i'll give ya a 20"

Busker thought about it and nods, Calypso then gets up the stage and clears her throat and looks at where Evan as sitting and closed her eyes before singing

As she sings everyone was quiet because they wanted to listen to her beautiful voice as she sings

Calypso was focused on 2 things only, and that was signing her best, and Evan that was listing to her sing before him right now

As she ended singing, everyone started applauding her and Busker with the wonderful sing she sang

A lot of people have some money to them, but Calypso wasn't interested in that but what was Evan's reaction is

She sat back down at the table where he was at "well.. that was the most.. wonderful thing i've seen Calypso!, you sang so good and i didn't know you were that good at all!"

After hearing Evan's compliments she blushes and her tail was really fast behind her

Suddenly Evan's phone rang and when he checked he stood up and told her that there's something he needs to do

But before she could say anything he'd already left her there, her tail stopped and she looks at the food she didn't finnish and just left, not feeling good with her appetite anyway


(Calypso): ★★★★

(Wendy): ★★★★★

Doreen: ★★☆☆☆

Sam: ★★★★☆

Jeffrey: ★★★☆☆

Also im going to publish the birthday special a bit late because of it being a bit of trouble to write, supposed to publish it on my birthday 6/25, but to make up for that i've got some important stuff on season 4 chapter 70

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