How about friede was walk with liko when a Pokémon attack chapter 1

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The sun beat down on the cobblestone streets of the bustling port city of Port Aroma. Friede, a young trainer with bright blue eyes and hair the color of sun-baked earth, squinted against the glare as she walked alongside her partner, Liko. Liko, a Pokémon researcher, was a whirlwind of energy, constantly jotting down notes in her notebook and excitedly pointing out interesting details about the bustling port life.

'Look Friede!' Liko exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement. 'See that ship? It's from the Galar region! Imagine, they sailed across the vast sea to reach here! It's almost as incredible as the legend of the ancient Pokémon of the sea...' Liko trailed off, her eyes wide with wonder.

Friede smiled, her heart warmed by Liko's enthusiasm. She loved Liko's passion for Pokémon, her insatiable curiosity about the world. It was infectious, drawing Friede into Liko's fascination with every new discovery.

Suddenly, a loud shriek pierced the air, followed by a flurry of panicked shouts. Friede and Liko spun around, their eyes searching the crowd for the source of the commotion. A group of people were huddled together, pointing at the docks. A large, black figure, its form obscured by the moving crowd, was causing a scene.

'What's going on?' Liko asked, her voice tense.

As they pushed through the crowd, they saw it. A massive, dark figure, its body resembling a giant, armored slug, charged through the docks, scattering people in its path. Its sharp spines glinted in the sunlight as it roared, a deep, guttural sound that sent chills down Friede's spine.

'It's a Drednaw!' Liko whispered, her eyes wide with alarm. 'Get down!'

Friede instinctively crouched low, shielding herself with her arms. Drednaw, the powerful Water/Rock-type Pokémon, was known for its aggressive nature and powerful jaws. The sight of it, enraged and out of control, sent a wave of fear through the crowd.

'Liko, what should we do?' Friede asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Liko glanced at Friede, her face etched with concern. 'We need to get out of here. This Drednaw seems...unstable,' she responded, her voice strained.

Friede pulled out a Poké Ball. 'I'll try to calm it down,' she said, her voice firm despite the fear churning within her. 'You go and find help!'

Liko hesitated for a moment, her gaze locked on the rampaging Drednaw. Then, with a nod, she turned and dashed towards the bustling market square, hoping to find someone with authority who could help.

Friede, her heart thudding against her ribs, threw a Poké Ball towards the Drednaw. The ball arced through the air, a red beam of light striking the creature's massive armored shell. The Drednaw roared in fury, its claws scraping against the stone ground in a display of untamed rage. The Poké Ball bounced back, landing uselessly at her feet.

Friede knew she couldn't rely on brute force. She had to find a way to approach the Drednaw carefully, to understand what was causing its distress. Taking a deep breath, she stood up slowly, her eyes fixed on the agitated Pokémon.

'It's okay, I'm not here to hurt you,' she spoke softly, her voice calm and reassuring. 'I just want to help.'

The Drednaw, however, was not swayed. Its red eyes narrowed, fixed on her with a cold intensity that sent shivers down her spine. She knew she was walking a tightrope, a single wrong move could turn this dangerous encounter deadly.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the air. 'Friede, watch out!'

Liko was rushing back, a group of people at her heels. A man, his face etched with worry, pushed forward. 'I'm the Harbormaster. What's going on here?'

As the Harbormaster and his assistants reached the scene, the Drednaw let out a deafening roar, charging towards Friede. The world seemed to slow down as she registered the looming threat. Her gaze met the Drednaw's enraged eyes, a silent challenge passing between them.

Friede's mind raced, searching for a solution, a way to de-escalate the situation. She remembered Liko's words about Drednaw's sensitivity to water.

With a quick move, Friede pulled out a small, metallic device from her pocket, her hand moving with practiced ease. It was a special device, one of Liko's inventions, designed to emit a high-frequency sound that could momentarily disorient certain Pokémon.

Friede activated the device, aiming it at the Drednaw. A high-pitched whine filled the air, a barely audible sound to human ears, but one that reverberated powerfully through the Drednaw's sensitive senses. The Drednaw paused, its enraged movements suddenly halting. Its body twitched, as if confused, before it stumbled back, letting out a whimper of pain.

Seizing the moment, Friede took another step forward. 'It's okay,' she said, her voice soft and reassuring. 'I'm just trying to help.'

The Drednaw, still dazed but somewhat calmer, lowered its head slightly, as if acknowledging Friede's presence. The crowd, witnessing the scene unfold, let out a collective sigh of relief.

The Harbormaster, his eyes widening in disbelief, approached Friede. 'That was...remarkable. How did you do that?'

Friede smiled, her heart still pounding. 'It's a special device that Liko helped me design. It can create a sound wave that disorients certain Pokémon.'

Liko, who had been watching the encounter with bated breath, rushed over to Friede, relief washing over her face. 'You did it, Friede! You calmed it down!'

The Harbormaster turned to the group of assistants, his voice filled with authority. 'Secure the Drednaw. We'll need to investigate why it is so agitated. And thank you, Friede. You've shown incredible bravery and skill.'

As the Harbormaster's team secured the Drednaw, the crowd dispersed, buzzing with discussions about the strange incident and Friede's actions. Friede, her adrenaline slowly subsiding, looked at Liko, a silent understanding passing between them. Their adventure had just begun, and there was a lot more to discover about the world of Pokémon, about their own strengths, and about the unexpected adventures that lay ahead.
End of chapter 1

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