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Mrs.Hood POV
I sat there and watched Brooke almost beat Eden to death.
I sat there and watched my little girl, the one I yell at to quickly, the one I never believe when she says Brooke hurts her.
I didn't do anything, I never did before but now is different I couldn't. I'm so shocked.
When Brooke stopped beating her she told Eden she is useless and Eden stood up and said "useless enough to die."
Will she really kill herself?
Last time Brooke found her. Brooke said she just tried to cut not actually kill herself.
I followed Eden to her room and her window was open and she was gone.
There was a note on her bed.
"Dear family, eww that sounds so disgusting to say. I'm leaving. This world isn't for me and I'm actually relieved that I'll be gone soon. Brooke I don't hate you. You think I'm the reason dad left and I'm ok with that you just made me realize what we all know I'm useless. Mom or whatever I call you because you have never been there. Matthew I love you and you have Jessica keep her safe.
James I do love you. I'm so sorry I had to break my promise.
I'm going to my place of happiness and one day I hope you can go there and think of me with love.
"Fuck. No!"
I searched her room for anything to help me and when I picked up a piece of paper with James number on it I called him.
"James! it's Silvia, Eden's mother she's trying to kill herself and-" I started to cry. "James What do I do?"
I read him the note and when I got to place of Happiness he gasped and hung up.
"Fuck! What can I do. Brooke!"
She came in the room.
"Yes mom?" She asked sweetly.
"Sit here." She sat on the bed and I slapped her with all my might.
"I'm calling the police on you and then your gone with them. After that if they let you go you will find a friend anyone to take you because I don't want you near me."
Her hand was to her cheek and her eyes are wide.
"Is probably dead somewhere! I have to find her but when I get back you will be gone!" I got to the car and called the police quickly telling them about Brooke and Eden and hanging up.

James POV
I got to the car quickly knowing where Eden was. Please don't jump. I thought miserably.
The drive is so long and I'm going eighty miles an hour.

Eden POV
I'm almost to my place of happiness. I didn't have the car so I have to walk five miles.
But it's ok because there is a reward at the end. My happiness, the end.
After twenty minutes I finally got there. I hope my mom shows my note to James and Matthew.
I love then to death. Tears fell down my face and I wiped them away.
Matthew has Jessica now I hope they never break up. He was the best bestfriend ever.
And James...I wanted a life with him.
The best thing you can do is let go.
I climbed up and finally got to my place of happiness.
Staring out at the clouds and the sun. This beauty, I hope I get to see this beauty wherever I go after this.
And one day I'll see James again.
Tears flowed freely.
Maybe one day my mom will love me.
Maybe one day my sister will forget me.
Maybe one day Matthew will forgive me.
Maybe one day James will move on.
I climbed to the edge of the railing and looked down.
"I love you." I whispered to the wind.
"Eden wait!" My eyes widened and I turned to see James.
"Don't do this!"
I just smiled. This hallucination is beautiful.
"Please,I'm real! Please I know life is tough but were moving out your moving out." He moved closer and I knew he was real.
"Stay with me please."
I turned to face the railing and climbed over. "If I love you I would let you go." I leaned forward to fall and James yelled
"I love you!"
I gasped and he grabbed me pulling me over the edge.
"I love you Eden, I love your boldness and the fact that your so strong even with your family. I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" I started to cry sobbing my eyes out. For years and years of abuse and hurt. I cried for my father leaving and my sister hating me. I cried for my mom never understanding and for me because the biggest thing we can do for ourselves is love ourselves and I never did that. I was wrapped in James arms shaking and gasping and crying.
"I love you." He whispered again and in that moment I knew everything is ok.

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