Chapter 11

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We don't find any more tributes as we continue along the bridge. At some point, the cannon goes off. We stop in our tracks, counting. Eleven died in the blood bath. I killed 5, Horus killed 3 and Glitz killed 3. Only thirteen of us left. Scaly marine creatures started appearing in the water. Lir says that they are called crocodiles and have a viscous bite. This only adds to our tension. Once out of the swamp territory, we all relax a bit. Those creatures looked like they could snap our bones clean, which I guess, they can.

We trudge through a more forested setting. I take in our surroundings. This arena is filled with wildlife. Birds are soaring through the air. Some tracks suggest that small mammals inhabit this area. We agreed that all remaining tributes would be in the forest. Why would anyone want to be in the swamp with those scaled beasts? We make sure to keep our distance from the swamp. Even so, we spotted a few crocodiles camping out around the banks. None of us are sure how far on land they can be.

Night falls. We found a semi-dry place to stay for the night. Sponsors brought us dinner for tonight. As we eat, the faces of the fallen tributes light up the sky. Both tributes from Districts 5, 6, 8, 9 and 12 died, as well as the District 11 female tribute. The survivors are all of us in the Career Pack, both tributes from Districts 3, 7 and 10 and the male tribute from District 11.

In the distance, someone started a fire. Perhaps it's because the fire is miles away or perhaps it's due to the heat and our exhaustion, but we do not go after the tribute. Most of the water our sponsors sent us is almost gone. I'll have to remind my allies to be cautious about the amount of water they are drinking.

We're all too tired to say anything that night. The only time someone spoke was to decide who would take which watch. I volunteered to go first, since I doubt I'll be able to sleep in this humidity. At least it got a little cooler as the night dawned on.

Glitz and I are the first to go on watch. I sit in a low branch of a tree, sorting through my weapons. Glitz is sitting against a log. He tries to make small talk but gives up. Eventually, he comes to sit on a branch adjacent to mine. I try to ignore him as he continues to try to have a conversation.

"You could at least be polite, you know," he says.

I glare at him. "What do you want?" I reply a bit too harshly. I haven't forgotten what he said when we first met.

"Someone to talk to."

"Find someone else," I tell him, sharpening my knives.

He chuckles.

"What?" I look back at him.

"Nothing," he says, smiling. "It's just that you're the only human being I can talk to at the moment."

Now how could I forget the rest were sleeping. I try not to look annoyed.

"You barely speak. Horus does all the talking for District 2. Can't you at least be a little friendly for now?"

I nearly laugh out loud. "So you want to be friends?"

"And what's the problem with that?"

"Oh, I don't know," I say sarcastically. "I'll have to kill you to win the crown."

"So will I. So will the rest of us."

I've seen this tactic being used in other Games. "You'll play nice until it no longer suits you."

"If you think I'm taking advantage of your situation by being nice to you, it's not true." Sadness clouds over his face. He looks over at Shimmer.

"You like her, don't you," I say, softening my voice.

He shakes his head. "It's not her. It's her sister."

"Oh," I say. I try to find a way to comfort him. Nothing comes to mind. "Tell me about her," I say instead.

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