Chap 1

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Today is my first day as an intern.
I got accepted a week ago to one of
the largest multinational company
in the world and I couldn't be
more proud.

It is a paid internship which I
was really thankful for, that way
I won't need to ask for allowance from my Dad.

I am not very close to my Mom,
she's cold and distant unlike my

Growing up, I never felt loved
by my Mom. Whenever she gets
drunk, she always blames me
for ruining her life. When I was

I never fully understand
what she meant but growing up,
with the stories I hear from my
Aunts and grand parents, my
Mom got pregnant by her college boyfriend and as soon as he
learned that, he ran and left her.

My Mom was devastated when he
left and planned on terminating
the pregnancy, a.k.a. Me.

My grand parents, her parents did
not allow her to do that, so she
stopped studying and had me.
She never went back to college after giving birth. She tried to find her
college boyfriend who abandoned
her and learned eventually that he
was about to be wed to a wealthy
girl in our town.

She was so broken that she started drowning herself in alcohol till
she met Marco, the man who I call
my Dad, he might be just my Step
Father, but he loves me like his
own. He fills the gap between my
Mother and I with his kindness
and love for both of us.

She stopped drinking and was so
happy with my Dad and she even
started being kind to me, attending
to my needs but then years later,
I was already 7years old, she met
my biological Father in a party
and things went to being almost
perfect to as bad as when she was still carrying me.

As per my Aunt, she confronted
him at that party and he
humiliated her, call her a whore
and accused her that he was not
the father of her child and called her some other names.

From that day on, she was back to
being cold to me, was even telling
me that looking at me make her
sick as I resemblance to my Father.

I was young but I still remember
how it hurts whenever she disses
me, tells me that I would grow up
like him as I look very similar to

But Marco, my Dad, he was
always there for me, he goes to my recitals, every one of them, even
just for practices, I used to play an
all girls-soccer in high school so
to all my practice,  he would show up and cheer for me, imagine him
on the night of the game, he'd be cheering so loud in the stands,
shouting my name on the top of his lungs.

In my Mom's absence, he was
always there. I know for a long
time now, he wanted to leave
my Mom, she was always drunk,
would always yell for no reason
and even break our stuff in the
house. She would always start
a fight with him, but even if he
wanted to leave her so bad,
he cannot, he's thinking about me.

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