Cha 17

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I helped her get to the bathroom safely, waited for her to finish, and brought her to her walk-in closet where she picked out her clothes and some for me to sleep in.

"When you were abroad, how did you manage to do all these?" I asked her wondering.

"My Mom help me, she was with me on that trip."

"Well, can't she come to stay with you here till you're okay?"

"Don't get me wrong, Lisa. I love my Mom so dearly, but a long lunch with her is soooo taxing!" I laughed at her as she made a face then she continued.

"The full week we were abroad,

she was driving me crazy, then I got hospitalized for half a day, she won't leave my side, constantly asking what I need, what I want.

I mean, I love how caring and loving she was but man, she wants to bathe me! Lisa, she wants to fucking bathe me!"

I laughed out loud as I find it really funny.

"And when I said no, she was like, you know, till your 7 I was bathing you. Exactly the point, right? I'm not 7 anymore, and then she was sulking and even told my Dad and my Brother that I hurt her feelings! Oh my god!"

I watch in amusement how she was making faces while telling the story, she suddenly looked like a child who was complaining about her overprotective Mother.

I smiled at her complaints. She went on and on about what happened to her abroad while her

Mom stays with her and how she
wanted to come here as well and
take care of her.

In all honesty, while she tells me all these stories about her Mom, I was secretly envying her. I've never experienced having a caring Mom, hell forget about the characteristics, just to have a Mom, a regular one.

I don't even remember her bathing me when I was a child, maybe even when I was a baby it was either my grandma or one of my aunts who were bathing me.

Not even to spoon-feed me, as far as I can remember it was marco, my Dad who takes care of me.

"... and then I had to bribe my Brother not to tell my Mom that I was still not okay so she won't come barging in here and try to bathe me! Oh my god, she would even accompany me to the office, Oh my god, that cannot happen!"

I shook her shoulders for her to stop.

"You're panicking."

"You're damn right I am panicking! You don't understand, lisa. She's a lovely woman but my god, she's so clingy and... and..."

Yeah, I definitely don't understand.
"You know what, I'm gonna shower, It's getting late." I helped her get up from the ottoman she was sitting in and took her to her bed.

"Lie down and please... calm down, ok?"

I didn't wait for her to answer and turned my back to go to the shower.

When I came out of the bathroom I thought she was already sleeping.

"What took you so long?"


"I don't know, I just want to wait
for you."


"Just come lie down here with me, would ya?"

It was a huge bed but why do I feel it suddenly shrink?

As I lay down, I put a pillow in between us as a barrier and jennie looked at me in disbelief.

"Really?" She mocked me.

"Have you never slept over at anybody's house? With a friend or... boyfriend or..." She continued.

"I shared my dorm with a friend..."
"That's different!" She removed the pillow in between us a threw it at the foot of the bed.

"Why did you do that?" I hissed at her.

"Because... I cannot see you." She turned her side to face me.

"Look who's clingy now." She ignored my teasing.

"So, have you?" Her voice softened as she tried to search for my eyes.

I turned as well to the side to face her, meeting her gaze. The light in the room is already dimmed and it glistens to the side of her face.

She looks so beautiful.

"No, I haven't."

We stayed like that just looking into each other's eyes. I have never been this close with anyone, I have never slept in somebody else's bed.

I have friends at school but we were never close like this.

But you and jennie are clearly not friends.

Yeah, true.

"Have you ever been kissed?" I was thankful it was dimmed in the room otherwise she will see me blushing.

I could feel my body heat screaming but how come I don't even feel shy?

Before, whenever my friends will tease me about kissing somebody or just even them talking about their relationship, I felt shy and uncomfortable.

Somehow with jennie, I feel comfortable... and safe.

"No." I expect her to be surprised but her face didn't change. Not even a fraction or even a doubt on her face like when she asked me if I have a boyfriend, she didn't believe me at first.

"You're not surprised." I can't help but say it.

"Well, I believe you."

She shifted a little bit and for a second averted her eyes then she continued.

She shifted a little bit and for a second averted her eyes then she continued.

"Earlier... if... if it happened, then... I will be your... first." It was a statement rather than a question though I'm sure she was trying to find the right words.


"And... It would be okay with you if I was your first?"

I stared at her intently, her eyes softened waiting for me to answer her.


Her eyes gleamed with happiness hearing what I said. Her lips curved a small smile enough to reach her eyes.

I reciprocated her smile. Seeing her reaction makes my heart flutter and the tingling in my whole body is present again. I wonder if she feels it too.

We shared what is like a staring contest, nobody wants to break the silence, it was not awkward but more like we were talking in silence, you can hear only our breathing.

The way she was staring at me it was like she can see through my soul, and looking at her brown piercing eyes, confuses me.

I could see the desire that is written across her eyes, It was obvious she want me but then there was sadness and it hit me, it was the same look I'd seen before that I cannot put a finger on, it was the "something" I always see in her eyes.

But why would she be sad?

Her eyes started to roam the features of my face till they ended on my lips, I wonder how much she can see through the dim light. Is she seeing the tinge of red that is on my cheeks? And if so, does she know that she's causing it?

"Can I kiss you, Lisa?"

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