Chapter 28

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Eva gaped after the mysterious woman, amazed by her prowess. She had never seen anyone move like that. She was fluid, silent, a true shadow in twilight.

“One of my mother’s messengers,” Anna explained, standing. She dusted her pants off then helped Eva to her feet. “We better not keep her waiting.”

They made their way to the officers’ floor, each step sending a new wave of anxiety through her. Eva couldn’t think of a reason why the Commander would want to speak with her. Her training had been going well and she hadn’t caused any trouble with other Knights--aside from Aspen and her squad.

Was that why she had summoned her? She was in trouble for what she did to their squad?

They came to a stop in front of her door.
Her heart lurched in her throat.
Anna knocked, completely unphased by this turn of events.

“Come in.”

Anna opened the door and stepped aside for Eva to enter first. Swallowing, she rolled her shoulders back and marched in.

Commander Hargin was sitting in her chair, feet resting atop her desk. "Close the door and sit down."

Anna and Eva filled the seats, backs straight.

The Commander’s feet slid off the table. She opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a letter with the royal seal stamped on it. “Congratulations, Private Greene, you’ve been assigned your first official mission.”

“Seriously?” Anna snatched the letter from her mother’s hand and read the letter. Her eyes grew more concerned and troubled with every word she read. When she was done, she moistened her lips nervously and passed the letter to Eva.

Eva read the elegant handwriting scrawled over the expensive parchment and nearly dropped it when she was done. Trembling, she put the letter back on the desk and lifted her gaze to Commander Hargin and her stern features. "We're at war."

It was official now. Aboria and Estrus were now at war.


"Because of me?"

The Commander paused, watching her closely before answering. "Partly. It was bound to happen. You're the catalyst Sylus needed. We’re sending you to the Desert Lands to keep you out of enemy hands and to find Sasha Remoar--someone who is apparently not dead.” She sounded bitter about being kept out of the loop. Eva wondered how recently the Commander found out about the coverup, if the wound was still fresh.
She kept going. "On your way, stop by Riverwood at the Roaring River Inn. Prince Leonidas wishes to speak with you before you depart."

Eva swallowed. "When?"

"First light. You may go."

Eva’s movements felt heavy, as if she was moving underwater, when she rose from her seat and walked out of the office.

Annaliese took her hand. "Come on. We have our orders; we have to get ready."

She set a fast pace for their room, which Eva kept up with, but it made the anxiety in her chest build. The pace made this all the more real, not a nightmare she would wake up from. They all knew this day was coming--but it suddenly felt too soon.

As soon as they were back in their room, Eva threw herself at her friend. "I'm scared, Anna!”

For her. For Jacob. For everyone! This kingdom was going to war with a mad man and it was all her fault. Thousands of people were going to die horribly. That gods awful man was going to burn every village in his path--all because of her.
Anna held onto her, rubbing her back and murmuring words of reassurance. She cried her heart out until there was nothing left. Sniffling, she sat back on her bed and wiped her tears.

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