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"lando, you better be ready to go." Nadia shouted from her bedroom as she finished doing her hair, and she was almost certain that he was sat on the spare bed scrolling through his instagram.

"Nadia, i've been ready for the past fifteen minutes waiting for you." lando's voice was getting closer to Nadia, basically telling her that lando was walking to her room.

"oh yeah, i forgot about that." Nadia giggled, adjusting her necklace so that it sat perfectly on her chest, the piece of jewellery being a gift off of lando last year and she hadn't taken it off since.

"you still wear your necklace?" lando asked shocked, not expecting her to still be wearing it after all this time.

"of course i do, i love it." Nadia instantly placed her hand over the necklace, twiddling it slightly with a beaming smile on her face. "are you ready to go and meet my family?"

"when you say it like that, it makes me nervous." lando admitted, the formula one driver was never this nervous before getting into his car on a race weekend but going to meet aprils family? he was shitting himself, to say the absolute least.

"i promise they'll love you, you have absolutely nothing to worry about." Nadia sent him a reassuring smile. "and i hope you know that we will be doing lots of walking, there's so much i want to show you."

after making sure her suitcase was properly fastened shut, she dragged it off the bed and placed it on the floor with a huff, followed by a beaming smile. the pure excitement that Nadia displayed making lando smile lovingly at her as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her body to his so he could kiss the top of her head.

"do you want me to get your suitcase?" he offered, just like everytime they got onto or off of the plane, both of them knowing she was too small to reach the top storage area.

"it's alright, my love, i've got it." the nickname she loved to use for him making his cheeks starts to blush and the butterflies in his stomach to increase, even if he was somewhat used to her calling him that near enough every day. thinking she'd be perfectly alright to carry her suitcase down the stairs, Nadia lifted it like it was as light as feather but once she did, she knew she wouldn't be able to do it. "on second thought, can you get it please?"

"can i just ask what you've got in there? we're only going for a few days." lando chuckled, feeling how heavy it was when he picked it up, and although he knew that she had to kneel on the suitcase to make sure it shut properly, he wouldn't have expected it to be this heavy.

"well yeah, i know that." the brunette woman playfully rolled her eyes, earning a light chuckle off of lando. "but i have pyjamas, outfits for the day, kind of fancy outfits incase we got out for food, my toiletries, all my hair and makeup stuff and my beloved slippers."

"you and your bloody slippers, it's almost as bad as your hat obsession." Nadia followed lando down the stairs, his arm muscles coming onto show and Nadia had the perfect view of them, her mind running wild with a million thoughts.

"leave my hats out of this, they're fashionable."

"are you sure about that, Nads?"

"at least i can actually pull it off, unlike some." the young woman looked him up and down when he turned to face her, them both now at the bottom of the stairs case, now fully ready to leave.

"i actually suit your hat, thank you very much." lando tried to defend himself, Nadia letting out a sarcastic laugh as she went through her bag to check that she had everything she needed.

"a certain picture in my phone says otherwise."

"you told me you deleted that!"

"lando, you should know i never delete pictures of you, especially the ones you tell me to get rid of." "it's also the picture that pops up when you phone me."

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