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waking up the next morning to the sun rays shining through the window, due to Nadia and lando forgetting to shut the curtains before going to sleep, and the sound of the larks singing their sweet songs was as peaceful as it sounds. as always, Nadia was awake before lando, the young woman had always been an early riser even when she was in a different time zone; squinting her eyes as she opened them so she could adjust to the bright sunlight, she felt a weight on her waist. lifting the bed quilt off of her body, she realised that it was lando's arm that was giving her the extra weight, his arm curled around his waist with his hand sprawled across her stomach.

as it was summer and that meant that the sun would rise as early as five thirty in the morning, so she would've guessed that it was still early so she decided to lando sleep in as long as he could. being careful to not disturb or accidentally wake him, Nadia reached over to her bedside table to reach for her phone, the iphone thirteen clutched in her hand as she read the time.

9:30am, not too early but still acceptable to stay in bed for a bit longer.

but she knew that her plan of letting lando sleep would eventually fail, yet she didn't expect it to happen so quickly; so when she felt him stirring next to her, she let out a small sigh of defeat. instead of going on her phone for a bit as she had planned to, she put her phone on the mattress before turning around in lando's arms, her arms reaching around his neck as she began to play with the curls on the nape of his neck.

"what time is it?" if there was one thing that Nadia absolutely loved about lando, it would definitely have to be his morning voice, the amount of butterflies she'd get when she heard it was enough to fill a whole zoo.

"it's still quite early, try and go back to sleep." Nadia whispered softly down his ear, lando pulling her body closer to his as he rested his head in the crook of her neck. "i'm sorry for waking you up."

"you didn't, i've been trying to go back to slept for a while."

"why didn't you wake me up?" "we could've had a little chat about the dreams we had."

"you know i don't dream, Nadia."

"is that so?" a small smirk grew on her face as an instant memory popped into her head to challenge what he'd just said. "remember when you told me about the dream you had where we got married in monaco after the race."

"how was i not meant to dream about that, you looked beautiful that day."

"thank you, lovey, but i was dripping in sweat and champagne." Nadia giggled, her fingers lightly scratching at his scalp, the vibrations of him laughing with her against her neck making it start to become ticklish. "and it was all of your fault."

"i wanted to celebrate in one of my favourite places with my favourite person, you can't blame me for that." he began to move, his head now resting on the pillow as they gazed at one another. "i really want to kiss you right now."

"you do?"

"did i say that out loud?" lando's eyes widened at the realisation that he'd said his thoughts out loud and to the woman he thought them about. "ignore that, i didn't mean to say that."

"lando, please stop talking." Nadia cupped lando's cheek, her caressing his cheekbone as she switched her gaze from his eyes to his lips, the pair of them leaning in until their lips connected for the first time ever.

the kiss was soft and gentle but also passionate and desperate, both of them wanting this to happen for the past three years yet it never happening until now. three years of pent up emotions releasing themselves during the kiss, the desperation they felt to touch each other finally coming through and so much love being shown through one simple action.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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