Isaacal could be considered as a colorful bimbo. He somehow ended up in Alola after getting some more partners, what's in store for this hyper-active trainer and his team?
(I don't own Pokemon, only Isaacal. Yes, this is a silly gay book as well)
As I exit the airport, I decide to roam around the streets with Swablu on my head, and my new, recent companion in my arms. My new buddy is this cute, small, shiny Wooper, that I named Boba. I was strolling through the marketplace, where I saw a stall selling hats. I looked around the selection and found the cutest, smallest, strap-on cowboy hat in the world. I then look down at Boba, who was smiling happily, tail wagging, and kicking his feet towards the hat.
"Boba, do you want the silly hat?" I cooed at him, treating him as a little kid, even though I act like one all the time.
"Woop!" I see him smile as his eyes sparkled, he really wanted the small cowboy hat.
I happily purchase the hat and strap it onto the small wooper that was hopping side to side in pure joy.
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"Woop woo!" I watch him hop around as he enjoys the new accessory.
"Alright little guy, let's try to continue shopping before we go to.. wait where are we supposed to go?" I try to remember where I'm supposed to go as I scoop Boba back into my arms.
Q-Tip wakes up and hops off my head, onto my bag. He then slips out a piece of paper onto Boba's face. Boba squeaks out of anger and is yelling at Q-Tip while I read the paper.
"Oh right! We're supposed to find "Kukui's lab" right?"
"Swa!" Q-Tip chirped as Boba gave up and slumped grumpily in my arms.
I shove the paper back into my bag and make my way over to a berry shop. That was where a nice lady gave me and my partners some fruit, and I buy some to give to the rest of my party later. I start to hear little chirps and tweets as I'm holding a pecha berry, I turn around to see a flock of birds. One lands on my arm and looks at the berry I'm holding. I happily let them have it as I already had some more in my bag.
"Pi!" I watched as it chirped, grabbing the berry with its legs and flew away.
I decided to follow the birds, since I wanted to explore the area more. I follow them through the forest and see a full grove, the floor consisting of vines and fallen leaves. I look at the giant tree that's located in the back of the opening, flourished with nests filled with berries. I watch as a small little owl flies away after being yelled at 3 times, and the rest were still sitting in the nests.
"Woo!" I let Boba hop out of my hands as he waddles over to the tree full of birds, looking like woodpeckers and a toucan.
"Pi! Pi! Pi!" I watch as a swarm of birds play with Boba, and I also see the toucan watching. Staring right at me.
I let Boo-Berry and Moon-Ray come out, to play with the others, along with Q-tip flying off my head. I sit down and watch them play, giving them some berries and eating some myself. I then see some people run over as the owl returns with a watermelon. I watch another bird praise it, as Boba then starts playing in the nests. I see something fly around, taking pictures and revealing the pokemon as Pikipek, Trumbeak and Toucannon.
Suddenly, a net flew from some of the trees, trapping the Pikipek, Trumbeak, Toucannon, and Boba!
"Boba! Okay, who the hell was that!?"
Team Rocket Introduction
"Did someone ask something? We're here to find out."
"Noble answers are what we're all about!"
"The beauty so radiant the flowers and moon hide in shame. A single flower in this fleeting world: Jessie!"
"The nobly heroic man of our times! The master of darkness fighting back against a tragic world! It's James."
"It's all for one and one for all! A glittering dark star that always shines bright! Dig it, while Meowth takes flight!"
"Team Rocket, let's fight!"
"That's right!"
"You're those guys from the other day!" I turn to see a green haired girl yelling, next to an angry boy, flying thing, angry Pikachu and the little owl from before.
"Team Rocket! Let Pikipek and the rest go!"
"Sorry, but the twerp loses again! They shoplifted Bewear's food and that's a no-no!" Jessie yelled right back.
"And we're here to take it back. That way we can pay it back!" James stated.
"I go boom!" I turn to look at the Meowth that just spoke, the hell?
The Meowth then shot a net at the fruit, taking it all.
"And we're going to give your Pikachu as a perfect present to the Boss. Take it away Mimikyu!" Jessie yelled as she sent out mimikyu.
I watched as a ragdoll like pokemon appeared, shambling and shuffling. Jessie was then telling the pokemon to take care of us the way that it knows how to. The Mimikyu then aims a shadowball towards the boy's Pikachu, surprising the talking Meowth.
I'll add the rest of this into the next episode because I'm just done with all the lines in this T_T