Year 1.01: College Crush?

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"How do you know Jin?" Yoongi asked the pretty woman, taking in her fair complexion and light, blue hair. Truth be told, his heart started fluttering as soon as she called out his name. He was expecting one of Jin's male friends, not her.

"I've TA'd a few classes that he's attended. He's one of my favorite students. Jin mentioned that his brother was going to start spring semester and that he needed to find someone to give him a tour, so I volunteered." She smiled at the younger man. In all honesty, she was curious what Yoongi would look like. She'd always had a crush on Jin, but since she was his TA she couldn't pursue anything more than friendship.

"So you've been at this school for several years?"

"Uh-huh. I began as a freshman undergrad like you. I love it here so much, but I only have one more year before I need to find a job." Suran liked talking with Yoongi. He seemed shy, but sweet and also struck her as being very smart.

The two of them walked all over campus, starting with the philosophy department which was in the main building along with many other College of Arts and Sciences departments. After that building, they explored the admin offices, food hall, gym, student center, and dorms. They were currently crossing the quad towards the Performing Arts center and studios.

Suran stopped in the middle of the quad and smiled as she looked around. "I love it here." The grounds were covered with fresh snow. It was quiet since school still didn't start for two more weeks. "Jin mentioned that you may also be interested in music."

Yoongi shuffled his feet and looked down, "Maybe? Though I've declared my major in philosophy already. I might try to take some music-related classes as electives." He finally looked up at the beautiful woman and asked, "You're a business major, right? But did you take any arts electives?"

"I did! I love singing and performing, so I ended up getting a minor in Music." They continued walking and as they got closer to the performing arts she pointed out the theater. "I performed in there several times, both choral and musical productions." Her smile grew wistful.

"It seems like you enjoyed it a lot. Why didn't you make that your major?"

"I suspect, like you, I needed to have something more substantial in case performing didn't work out. I actually competed to be an idol when I was younger. I just barely missed being selected. Anyway, I want to find a way to do both. Maybe I can start my own business that is related to performing arts?" She shrugged her shoulders and looked at Yoongi. "Wouldn't you rather do music? Jin says you've created some really good beats. Are you majoring in philosophy because of your Appa? I was really sad to hear of his passing by the way." She reached over and squeezed and then patted the younger man's arm.

Yoongi's eyes grew wide in surprise. Exactly how much did Jin share with her? "Um, thanks. Yeah, when he was in the hospital getting chemo, we'd get into long talks. He thought philosophy would give me a good foundation. I guess I want to honor him, even though he's gone." Yoongi's eyes began to threaten tears and he tried blinking them away.

"I didn't mean to make you sad. But I know how you feel. My Appa died when I was an undergrad. Also the big C. It fucking sucks!"

"Yea, it does."

Suran reached out for the theater door and was happy to find it open. "Come see!" When they entered, she literally ran down the main aisle and pulled herself up to the stage. She twirled around and broke out into a song. "The acoustics in here are always amazing! Come up and try it yourself."

Yoongi hopped up onto the stage, but grew shy as she watched him expectantly. "Umm ... I don't really sing, I rap."

"Well then let's hear you rap!" She plopped down on the floor and looked up with anticipation.

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