Year 1.02: First Day

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Hey Kuma! First day of college!!! Wish me luck! (gotta run)

Yoongi shoved his journal along with his MacBook into his Messenger bag before running downstairs. He got scolded by his halmeoni as he grabbed a banana, kissed his eomma's cheek, yelled "got to catch the bus!" just before running out the door.

He had planned to get to school plenty early, but the bus got delayed by a traffic accident, and by the time he arrived he had 10 minutes to get to his first class. Once Yoongi exited the bus, he took off sprinting towards the main building where his Introduction to Philosophy class was located. He was gasping for breath as he entered the large classroom, eliciting a few laughs from some of his classmates. Feeling his cheeks turn red, he found the one empty seat in the front row. Apologizing as he bumped into a couple of students' chairs he pulled out his laptop just in time for the professor to begin his introductions.

After that class, Yoongi had 15 minutes before his next one. It was one he was kind of dreading, but math was a requirement. Instead of trying to suffer through algebra, he decided to take statistics. His appa had told him that it would be more useful for an eventual business job, if that's what he wanted to do. Thinking about his appa brought tears to Yoongi's eyes, so he took a minute to go and splash some water in his face before class.

"You ok?" A shorter male asked.

"Yeah, I needed to cool down after running here this morning." Yoongi joked, trying to deflect from his momentary sadness.

"I saw that this morning, seemed like you ran a marathon to get here on time." The man laughed as he grabbed some paper towels to dry his hands. He then held out a hand towards Yoongi, "I'm Ha Sungwoon. Looks like we've got at least one class together. Are you a first year too?"

"Umm, yeah. This is my first semester. Min Yoongi," he added while grasping Sungwoon's hand. "I've got to run to my next class, but it was nice meeting you."

Yoongi bowed before heading out. Just as he was leaving, he heard Sungwoon say with a laugh, "You should take it easy on the running. See you later, Yoongi."

"Hmm, I never would've thought in a million years that I would like statistics," Yoongi thought to himself as he walked out of his second class of the day. He chuckled to himself as he thought that maybe he liked statistics because the young professor was a beautiful noona. He was still grinning as he walked into the food hall and spotted Jin sitting at a table with some of his fraternity brothers.

"Yah! What's got you all smiles Namdongsaeng?" Yoongi felt his cheeks warm as several of Jin's friends laughed causing Jin to turn towards them and yell, "Yah, don't tease him. It's his first day!"

"You're the one who started it," one of Jin's frat brothers whined.

"I've been his Hyung for his entire life. It's my right to tease him, but mine alone." Yoongi wanted to turn around and leave quietly, and even moved to do so, but Jin's hand shot out and gripped his shoulder. "Sit, I got an extra plate for you."

Yoongi sat next to his brother while bowing to the other men at the table. He picked up the chopsticks to eat the dakgalbi, but was peppered with questions as soon as he took a bite. "How were your first classes?" "What classes did you have?" "Did you meet someone, is that why you were smiling?" "Are you going to pledge our fraternity?"

"Yah! Let him swallow his food." Jin scolded his brothers, and they immediately stopped peppering the younger with questions. "I am curious though, did you run into Suran or something?"

Nearly choking on his soda, Yoongi sighed. "No, I haven't seen her yet. I was smiling because my Statistics instructor is a pretty noona and I wondered if that's why the class didn't seem so bad."

Several of the frat brothers sitting around him burst out laughing, causing people at nearby tables to turn and gawk. "Who was it?" Jin's friend, Jooheon, asked.

"Park So-Jin."

There were a few low whistles and more laughing. Jin felt the need to speak up, "Since the Noona is your TA, don't have any impure thoughts." This caused some of his brothers to cackle more which in turn prompted Jin to yell, "Yah! I'm trying to keep him out of trouble. It's only his first day!"

"Can you get in trouble for dating your TA?" Yoongi wondered out loud.

"Definitely," Jooheon responded suddenly looking a bit sad. "Our brother, Ken, got reprimanded for dating his TA and she got her assistantship taken away. She had to quit grad school because she didn't have the funding after that."

"I forgot about that. Ken got one of his scholarships stripped from him and had to work that summer on a fishing boat to make up the money to continue," Jin sighed. "So, no dating your TA or professor! But you're right that there are several beautiful noonas and hyungs here."

"Jin would know," teased Jooheon. "He's dated most of the ones that weren't his TA."

The table erupted in laughter again and Jin's ears turned red. "Yah! Of course I attract many, I mean look at me!"

"He was never one to be humble," Yoongi shook his head.

The young men continued eating, talking, and gossiping for the next half hour before some had to run off to other classes. "Nice meeting you Dongsaeng!" "Consider pledging our frat." "Good luck this semester!"

Jin, Joonheon, and Yoongi walked out together eliciting several head turns from other students, both male and female. Jooheon laughed, "I don't think you'll have any problems finding people to date. Look at all the people checking us out."

"They're just looking at me," Jin quipped, only half joking. "What class do you have next?"

"Music Theory. I'm really looking forward to it."

"I'll bet. I still can't believe you didn't choose a music major." Jin looked his brother over and shrugged. "Have fun! Let's keep meeting for lunch when we can."

Yoongi agreed and bowed to his hyung and Jooheon before heading off across the quad towards the music department.

As Yoongi got out of earshot Jooheon asked, "He seems nice. Not quite as awkward as you've described."

"Yeah? Hopefully he'll make some friends and have some fun. Sometimes he gets too serious." Jin looked across the quad, where he could see Yoongi walking away. He was grateful to have at least one semester at college with his namdongsaeng. As his mind started wandering to memories of the past year with Yoongi taking care of their appa, Jin's facial expression turned to one of concern until his thoughts were interrupted.

"Oppa!" A beautiful woman who was Jin's age, came over along with one of her friends. As soon as she was close enough, she practically threw herself into Jin's arms. "You promised to take me out for coffee," she pouted cutely. "But I'll forgive you if you give me a kiss."

Jin smirked and surprised her by grabbing her waist and dipping her backwards as he gave her a quick peck on the nose causing her and her friend to burst out into giggles. As he pulled her back up he said, "I could still use some coffee, if you're free Hyuna. Jooheon, Sunmi? Care to join?"

The four beauties walked towards one of the nearby cafés, several students watching the with envy.


[A/N - Sorry I was a week late in writing. Had a small writer's block brought on by bad news that I need shoulder surgery. It's still a few weeks away, so hopefully I can get a few more chapters out before needing to take some time off.

As I've said before, I need lots of other idols in this story. If you have any specific idols that you want to be friends, classmates, crushes, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc...  with any specific BTS member let me know. I'll do what I can to add it eventually. 

As always thanks for reading. Love y'all! 😘]

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