Part Six- Night in St. Petersburg

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The horses were stabled and the palace was mostly silent as the moon shone down on St. Petersburg. Myah had arranged for four rooms to be made ready for her friends. That was where they were now, getting ready for bed before visiting Myah to talk. The first to arrive at her door was Averia, dressed in her borrowed nightgown. She didn't look too happy about the frilly piece of clothing, but the seamstresses wouldn't finish the Arabian outfit Myah had commissioned for a day or two. Averia quickly latched on to a book and began to read. Lunden and Sarah arrived together, in light and dark blue respectively. Gracina was later than expected, showing up in pink and with a paper on her hand. "Myah, I really don't like to bother you, especially when it comes to your kingdom. But this letter gives a valid explanation on why the Countess might be innocent." Myah looked down. "I know. But I cannot risk being wrong. If I let her come back, and she is guilty, then she might try again to take my life. It is for that reason she will stay in Siberia." Gracina nodded. "I'd never thought of it that way." Sarah was looking at herself in the mirror, but she bow turned to face Myah: "I think you did well, considering the circumstances. In Rome, treason means swift execution. I have yet to decide how I will deal with the problem when it inevitably arrives." Lunden nodded, looking out the beautiful window in the room, overlooking St. Petersburg. Her breath fogged up the glass and smudges were revealed. Wait......"Myah? Tell me I'm not crazy." "You're not crazy." "Okay, so why are there words on this glass?" Myah came over to the window and fogged up some more glass. A message was read from the words in the fog: "You will find Valeriya with the Truth, awaiting in the sea." This, of course, made little sense. But Myah was digging through her thoughts for directions to the nearest harbor. And so it was that the girls set off for the Northwest harbor at midnight. It was dangerous, they all knew that. But who knew- not going could be more so. The Royals turned over the words on the window in their heads. But they had been meant for Myah, and she was the only one who had the foggiest idea of where they were going or why. The harbor was in front of them now, with five ships docked there. Two were hidden partially by a building. Myah sped up and turned the corner, passing the three ships in the open. The others found her with a smile on her face, staring up at a boat. It was painted purple, the sails were blue, and on its side in curling gold letters, there was its name: "The Truth". Sarah gasped, Averia began dancing around in a circle, Lunden's jaw dropped, and Gracina began shaking with quiet laughter: "Irony!" Sarah pointed to the other boat:" They have that, too." Indeed, the second boat's name was Irony. But from the decks of The Truth came Myah's voice calling them up, and they climbed the rope ladder thrown down to them. But Myah was not alone. Behind her stood the Equestrian. Now that they were closer, they could see that the figure's face was covered by a scarf, besides the hood. Sarah began looking around casually, probably for weapons to use if the Equestrian proved hostile. Lunden motioned for Myah to turn around. She did, and was startled for a moment. Then a smile spread across her face, and she held out her hand to the Equestrian. The figure placed something in Myah's hand: a gilded key. And when Myah turned around to show her friends, the Equestrian reached to their face and grabbed the scarf that concealed it.....

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