Winter's Recovery And Challenge

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As Silver quickly went straight inside the Centre and asked immediately for Chansey saying to Her:

"Chansey it's Winter, I've taken Her down way too hard and She's needs medical assistance."

As Chansey picked up the Alolan Vulpix up and putted Her down onto the bed stretcher, Winter immediately coughed out more of Her own blood saying weakly to Her:


Then She immediately closed Her eyes and shivers with fear of actually going to die just like what happened to Her own Mother.

As a bunch of Chansey's brought Her into the recovery room and slowly began to actually heal Her wounds, pain and even Her very life.

Silver waited in front of the recovery room light was still on and then He eventually fell to sleep onto the chairs together like a bed.

When the next morning🌄 came and the sun was shining bright into the sky and when the heat of the sunlight hitted Silver's fur coat, His eyes fully opened up and then He immediately jumped straight off the make up bed.

As He blew onto His fur coat softly and it was softly burnt red, Silver looked straight at the syringe red light and it was finally blank.

But when a Chansey came out of the recovery room and spoke with Silver saying emotionally:

"I've got some good news and bad news about Winter...".

Silver quickly replied to Her:

"How is She doing?".

Chansey went sad looking 😢upset💔replying:

"The good news is that you can go ahead and see Winter but I'm afraid that She'll be permanently wearing diapers Silver.

Her back and spine had to be replaced with a metal plate but as for Her inner flame...

It's just not possible but it's permanent, it burnt out of Her and She's alive but Winter won't be able to use any Ice moves, until the inner flame relights itself Silver.

We um placed Winter in the freezer and She won't be able to leave the room until She's fully charged up and the inner flame has returned back inside Her own body.

Winter told Me that you used a Headbutt and a single Body Slam to end up the battle.

She's still a bit shocked after the events and we've explained to Her politely that She is able to use the ice moves only if She's inside a extremely cold area for now.

But outside in the sunlight is okay but She'll have to stay in the cold areas for now and Winter still thinks that you Silver are a piece of shit."

Silver expected that She would call Him something like that and He replied to Chansey:

"So anyway am I allowed to go and see Her now?".

Chansey then explained to Him with a embarrassing 🥹expression saying:

"Yes you can Silver but I'm so sorry about this because of um...

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