Frequently Asked Questions

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Can my story be mature or LGBTQ+? 

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Can my story be mature or LGBTQ+? 

-- Yes!

What genre does my story need to be?

--Any genre you want!

Does my story have to follow the prompts? 

-- If it doesn't, you will lose points for that.

How do I use the prompts? 

-- You can use the song's title, lyrics, or meaning. 

How will you know how I used the prompts? 

-- You will put an author's note at the bottom of the chapter.

Must I use the prompts in the order they are in?

--Yes. Each prompt has a chapter number.

When can I start posting my chapters?

--As soon as you want. You must have at least one chapter up by the end of July.

Can I get an extension on the dates on the schedule?

--No. The first chapter must be up by the last day in July, and the story must be completed by the last day in August.

Will you be holding this contest again?

--Absolutely! This is the first version but I plan to do this at least once a year.

More questions:

Do I need to name the chapter after the song?

-- The chapter can be named anything or nothing (ex: Chapter 1).
As long as the title, lyrics, or meaning are somewhere in that chapter, you're good.

Can I use my finished book for other contests?

-- Absolutely! It's one of the benefits of this contest. You now have a finished story that is yours.

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