The meeting

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Please give me some ideas!!


3 person pov

It was a boring meeting, Germany was trying to calm down Italy. Russia and China were bickering, and Ukraine and Belarus were talking, Spain and North Italy were arguing/flirting....mostly Spain flirting with North Italy...., UK and France fighting, and America has his head down.

That's when the doors to the meeting room burst open, a kid in blue shorts and a shirt that says swag in Ohio with blonde hair and green eyes and another kid with gray pants and brown shirt with brown hair and brown eyes ran in with crying toddlers.

"DAAAAAAAAADDDDDD LUSIS MADE PIPER CRY AND NOW THE OTHERS ARE CRYING!!!!" One yelled out. "NO I DIDNT!!!" The person name Lusis yelled back. Alfred tries to calm down a little girl in a dress and has blue hair and blue eyes. "Piper it's ok, it's ok, daddy's here. Shhhhhh" alfred said as he tries to calm down the girl name piper.

Alfred notice that all the country's was staring at them. "Soo you guys want to know....nope bye" alfred says as he leaves the meeting room but the country's follows him and the kids.


I'm finally done with this chapter!!!! Also please vote for one of the states to have angst please

West Michigan

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