Part 2 - Friends

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Part 2 - Friends 

~Third pov~

'Knock, knock' "oh looks like the new student is here!" said the sensei with a scar across his nose and his brown coloured hair that was in a ponytail, whose name is Iruka.

"Kiba, can you open the door, please?" asked Iruka. With that, the boy who was sitting near the entrance of the classroom nodded stood up from his desk and went to open the door.

The boy's name is Kiba, he has two upside-down triangles that kind of look like canine (K-9) teeth on his cheeks.

Kiba opened the door and said "you can come in now." in a monotone voice, thinking it would just be another fangirl.

Naruto who was on the other side of the door said "thank you, Inuzuka-san and also if you are thinking I was just another of you fangirls then mistaken. Dattebayo" he bowed down then quickly stepped inside the classroom while chuckling a little at the surprised look on Kiba's face.

Seconds passed Kiba got out of his shocked state and walked back to his seat but his mind was still somewhere else recalling what just happened.

"O-okay, you may introduce yourself now." said Iruka and Naruto asked, "Shouldn't you introduce yourself first Umino-san?" Iruka then said "it seems like you already know who I am but whatever. My name is Iruka, Umino, your homeroom teacher."

Naruto said "I know everybody in this class because of my friends who also go to this school and are in this class. Dattebayo! Anyway, as most of you already know my name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am 15 years old but I will be 16 in less than a month. I was born in this part of Japan but I moved to different parts of the world. That's all you will need to know about me for now. It's a pleasure to meet you all and please take care of me! Oh... one more thing, I am a boy! Dattebayo!" he bowed down to the class.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Naruto. You may choose where you want to sit." said/asked Iruka.

Just as he finished, some people burst out laughing. "You don't have to say your gender Naru-" said Sakura, a girl with shoulder-length pink coloured hair who couldn't finish her sentence because she was laughing.

Naruto who was standing in front of the class was getting angry and shouted "I, of course, I need to say that or I'll be getting overflowing love letters from guys and reject every single one of them which is troublesome because I hate breaking hearts! Anyway, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, and Temari, if you guys don't stop laughing now, I will tell your classmates one of your secrets." in a threatening voice which made the girls instantly stop laughing.

Tenten, who had two hair buns on either side of her head said "Woah your hair does fly!" Naruto said "What, you thought I was just joking about that?!" in an angry tone. Temari said/yelled "first calm down second can you blame us? Plus it's not like you showed us any pictures and we haven't seen you face to face since you met all of us in different schools since you always travel or move!"

Naruto said "okay okay you got a point but I at least call or text you guys and of course some other people almost every day. Anyway, Iruka sensei, can I sit in the back of the seat between bushy brows and Mr. Emo." in a calmer voice. while pointing to the back.

A boy was wearing a uniform with a green tie and sweater with a bowl-cut hairstyle and another was wearing a uniform with a navy blue tie and sweater, with a duck butt hairstyle. Naruto chuckles a little when he sees the hairstyle. Iruka looked to where he was pointing and nodded his head. With that, Naruto took his seat between the boys.

Thank you and hope you all enjoy it!

End of Part 2 - Friends  - you see you in the next Chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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