Part 4

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Wait. Did I just tell Liam I loved him. Did I Or was I blinded by the kiss? Wait .I thought I loved Niall. Did I  Love him or him? Okay what am I going to do 

I had a thousand thoughts running through my head.

I couldn't love Niall he has a girlfriend. And I already told Liam I loved him. And truly I did. He was Sweet, funny, adorable, cute, nice, loving. Everything you would want in a guy. And He was everything I wanted. I wanted someone who loves me. And that's what I have. So I should show him I love him.

I smashed my lips to his once again.

"Liam, this time I mean it I love you."

His eyes brightened

"Let Me asked you properly.Kaylee, will you be my girlfriend."

"Only If you'll be my boyfriend." 

He smiled at me "Of course." 

"Then it's a deal." I replied to him and he pressed his lips to mine once more.

We walked Back into Harry's Flat hand in hand receiving weird looks from the boys But El had a smile plastered on her face And Perrie was cheering.

"So are you guys together." The both asked/yelled excitedly

we looked at each other and smiled "Yes!" we both said in union.

The room erupted in cheers except Niall he looked somewhat angry. 

Why? shouldn't he be happy for me? I mean he has a girlfriend. like what is his deal.

I don't care. Nothing could shake me I am with Liam Payne I am the Luckiest girl in the world. And I am not Letting anyone wreak this.

Just tell me you love me -Niall horan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now