Part Two

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The two women worked tirelessly, their days blurring into nights as they focused on creating the flying ship that would take them to the unknown object.

Elara brought her knowledge of astronomy, while Jazel and her team of engineers and builders applied their technical expertise. The ship was designed to maneuver through asteroid belts and navigate the vast expanse of space toward the mysterious Wishing Star.

Elara was hands-on throughout the process, helping wherever she could. The ship began to take shape over the months, garnering attention from the public who were curious about the secretive project. This publicity delighted Jazel, who reveled in the spotlight.

One evening, as the ship was nearing completion, Elara and Jazel sat together in the dimly lit workshop, sipping on mugs of hot cocoa.

"You know, Jazel,"

Elara said, her voice soft with nostalgia, "when I was a little girl, my grandfather used to tell me stories about the stars. He made them sound so magical, like they held the answers to all our questions."

Jazel smiled, but there was a glint in her eye that Elara missed. "It's amazing how those stories can shape our lives. For me, it was always about proving myself, showing everyone that I'm capable of great things."

Elara nodded, her eyes dreamy. "I suppose that's part of it for me too, but mostly, I just want to explore the unknown, to see things no one has ever seen before."

Jazel's smile widened, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "And we'll do it together. Just imagine what we'll discover."

Finally, the ship was ready. Elara meticulously planned what to bring and wear for the journey. She decided to call the unknown object "The Wishing Star," a nod to her grandfather's stories. She invited Jazel to join her on the expedition, and Jazel eagerly agreed, her excitement barely contained.

Unbeknownst to Elara, Jazel harbored a dark secret. She confided in her assistant, Ann, that after Elara obtained samples of the Wishing Star, she would betray her and leave her to freeze in the vacuum of space. Jazel planned to return home alone and claim the discovery as her own.

The day of the launch arrived. Elara and Jazel strapped into their seats, their hearts pounding with anticipation. For the first time in their species' history, they were about to venture into space. The ship lifted off, and as they soared through the atmosphere, they marveled at the beauty of the stars up close.

"This is it, Elara," Jazel said, her voice filled with awe as they breached the atmosphere and floated into the vast expanse of space. "We're actually here."

Elara gazed out of the window, tears welling up in her eyes. "I can't believe it, Jazel. We're really doing this. I wish my grandfather could see this."

Jazel placed a hand on Elara's shoulder. "He'd be incredibly proud of you. We're going to make history, Elara."

After navigating through space for a month, they finally reached the Wishing Stars. The sight was breathtaking-a dazzling belt of thousands of glowing objects, like a cosmic necklace. Elara was overcome with emotion, tears welling up in her eyes as she thought of her grandfather.

"Look at them, Jazel," Elara whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "They're beautiful. This is everything I ever dreamed of."

Jazel nodded, though her thoughts were elsewhere. "It is. Let's get you suited up so you can bring back some samples."

Elara donned her spacesuit and prepared to exit the ship. Jazel stayed behind to monitor Elara's movements and maintain communication. As Elara floated in the zero-gravity environment, she felt a profound sense of fulfillment. This was the moment her grandfather had dreamed of for her.

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