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BlueBerryz🫐 added hearts4gil, hearts4anne, tomandjerry, rubes🎀, moodzz, JustJosie💋💋,  J4NE, xo.tillz, good.luck.charlie, billyandrews, and cole.art


BlueBerryz🫐: guys we need to talk

tomandjerry: abt???

BlueBerryz🫐: that creep perv roy following Anne around!!

xo.tillz: he's been getting weird

J4NE: yahh I've noticed that

moodzz: yah I'm weird but even that's too weird for me

cole.art: that's how yk it's weird!

hearts4anne: i would like to fucking scewer him.

hearts4gil: GIL!

hearts4anne: What Anne? Is this not
bothering you?

BlueBerryz🫐: Anne he's got a point

JustJosie💋💋: Anne have you not seen the pictures he's taken of you?

good.luck.charlie: weird

hearts4gil: so do you rlly suggest

tomandjerry: if it gets him to stop then yah

rubes🎀: anne...

cole.art: anne u should tell the police

hearts4gil: over a matter like this? Guys I think he'll get over me in abt a month! Is it rlly worth all the trouble?

hearts4anne: so what your saying is i ignore my gf being followed?

hearts4gil: Gilbert don't do that

hearts4anne: im done with this.

hearts4anne left the chat

billyandrews: trouble in paradise

BlueBerryz🫐: SHUT UP BILLY

BlueBerryz🫐 removed hearts4gil, tomandjerry, rubes🎀, moodzz, JustJosie💋💋,  J4NE, xo.tillz, good.luck.charlie, billyandrews, and cole.

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