Chapter 2

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Neo edged past the pluggers that were making their way up the ramp to refuel the ship. She hoped her face didn't betray her. She didn't want anyone to know she had been crying, but anytime she did cry, her eyes reddened, making her green irises stand out starkly against her pale skin. Her face felt puffy, and she could feel her slouched depressing posture, so she pulled her shoulders back and steeled her face hoping it would be enough. She was familiar enough with this place that some of the people she knew here would potentially question her. Asking 'what's wrong,' and questions of the like. She didn't want to deal with any of it. Didn't want sympathy or pity.

What she wanted was to go to The Watering Hole and get absolutely plastered. Or at least drunk enough that she forgot how miserable she was feeling. The Watering Hole had always been a favorite of hers and Rhea's. It wasn't because of the seedy and dim environment, not even for the bartender Krastin, who only spoke very few words. It was because of the Blitzar. A sweet and fruity turquoise beverage made from Ijube fruit juice and star melons. It was her absolute favorite, and after only two of these, she was liable to fall over. They were strong to say the least.

Neo approached the entry terminal and held out her comm band for scanning. The three fingered, green skinned Zarkian scanned her band to check for any holds or criminal warrants and waved her through when she cleared. Zarkians were a funny breed. Their home world was blistering cold, but their most unique feature was their voice. One she was thankful he had not used. They were astoundingly deep and if they wanted, they could get excruciatingly loud. Loud as if they had plugged themselves into an amplifier. No need for an alarm system when you have a Zarkian at the front gate.

She trudged through the crowd with her duffle weighing her shoulder down and gave a wave to Martin, who owned and operated Martin's smoke shack. A small but popular stall on the main platform. He raised his large blue pincer and waved back with a gleeful smile. He was always jolly, in a Santa sort of way. After ducking and dodging her way through, she finally approached The Watering Hole and slinked through the patrons to the back and sat at her usual table.

Moments after she sat, her comm band chimed with a notification message.


Neo ran her palms down her face and sighed deeply. How could she have forgotten to tell Rhea she had been fired? She had been so caught up in her own emotions she hadn't even thought about her, which made her feel even worse. Neo raised two fingers to Krastin hoping she could appease her angry best friend with a drink. Krastin carried the drinks over a few minutes later with a grunt and walked back behind the bar as the door burst open. Rhea stood in the entrance with her hands on her hips scanning the crowd before spotting her.

She marched straight over, her deep brown locks swaying behind her. She was angry if her scrunched brows and singularly focused stare were of any indication. Neo held her breath as Rhea slammed her hands down onto the back of the adjacent chair and said, "Why the hell didn't you tell me? Were you hoping we would depart, and you wouldn't have to say anything to anyone? Thats messed up Neo." She crossed her arms and sat in the chair as Neo slid the drink over like a peace offering.

"I was going to tell you Rhea. I was just upset about everything . . . I needed a drink in my system and some time to process. I knew The Fury wouldn't be departing for a few hours and figured I had some time. Plus, you know I hate being emotional," she lied, partially. Rhea's angry expression instantly relaxed and now she was the one looking guilty for being mad. Rhea sighed and grabbed her drink, taking a large swig as Neo followed suit.

"I'm sorry Neo. I know how much you loved your job." But she hadn't really loved her job. She actually hated it a little bit. Though it was closer to being a pilot than she had ever been, she never actually got to do anything other than work orders which consisted of cadet level work. Neo Shrugged her shoulders.

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