Chapter 22-Asa

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The engine room was empty when Asa came through, so he continued on up the stairs. Fynn was on the sofa kicked back watching a show. His eye was noticeably less swollen today, and though it made him glad, it did nothing to quell the anger that was roiling inside him. He didn't want to think about it. If he thought about it, then he would picture what happened, and there would be no way he could walk in there and not lose his shit completely.

Hands already balled into fists, he stood outside the door. With a slow stream of air in, he pictured Neo's face, the one she made when he was buried deep inside her, it calmed him enough to raise his scarred fist and knock without punching through the door. When Pax opened up, he saw the brief flicker of alarm in his eyes just before it was replaced with a scowl. "What do you want now?"

Asa smiled viciously as he grabbed him by the shirt and shoved him inside, keeping his steps close as he held on to him and shut the door. "We're going to have a conversation. And for fucking once you're going to listen and not be a little shit."

"Fuck you," Pax growled as he pushed back, but Asa already had the upper hand as he pushed him back toward his bed, forcing him to sit. It wasn't the first time either of them had been in an argument. They were like brothers. Asa had taken Pax under his wing when Pax was only fifteen, and he was seventeen. He'd lost count of the number of arguments they had, but this was by far the angriest he had been. Pax could tell it too, as he didn't move to get up.

Asa stepped back, hooking the nearby chair with his shoe and slid it right in front of Pax. He took a seat and was silent for a moment. Pax crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall of the bed compartment. "Let me guess, things didn't go as you hoped with Neo last night when you stayed back?" he said as he tapped his foot against the floor.

"Not that anything between Neo and I is any of your business, but it was quite the opposite," Asa's voice was all warning as he kept his eyes locked with Pax's watching as his face fell, the flicker of anger that burned just after as he debated the worth of even trying anything against him. He already knew better. Asa leaned forward tauntingly as he said, "I hope you enjoyed that little moment you forced her into, but when I tell you this, know that I mean every—fucking—word." Asa breathed slowly watching the quick rise and fall of Pax's chest, the tension that visibly ran through him as he stared back silently seething. "If you ever touch her again in a way that makes her the slightest bit uncomfortable, or you corner her with your whiney bullshit, I'm going to do a lot more than knock you out. And that is a promise." Asa stood from the chair and started for the door, stopping just before he opened it.

He turned back and gloated, "She's mine, and regardless of what I said on Ran'am, getting back at you had nothing to do with it. You had nothing to do with it at all, come to think of it, it was most definitely my name she was screaming."

"You're a son of a bitch, I hope you know that. Whatever friendship we may have had is done," Pax said as he got up standing only a few feet away.

"I may be a son of a bitch, we were done being friends the moment you left."

Asa turned and walked out, back down the stairs where he saw Neo cutting across the hall toward the deck. He stopped her, putting his hand on her shoulder as he saw the look of shock on her face. "What's wrong?" he asked, gently lifting her chin.

She shook her head, laughing a little as her eyes drifted to the kitchen. "Nothing's wrong," she said, allowing him to breathe easy again.

"Well, what is it then?" She turned, taking his hand to lead him back to the kitchen.

There was a large box on the table, the top already open. Neo walked over and reached inside pulling out a note that she then handed over. Asa took it and unfolded the paper.

Been too long since I seen such a fierce little Captain. Pirates pass this 'ere along. 'Bout time I did, too. Prove yerself worthy or else it's worthless. Two Toes sends his regards. You can find it, Little Captain. —Demarco Prisban

"What's in the box?" Asa said as he looked back up at her completely mystified.

"It's heavy and I don't really know what it is," she said as she stared down at it. Asa reached over and tore the sides of the box until they laid flat, and in the center of the table sat a strange device. It was made of worn brassy type of metal, but it wasn't brass, he wasn't sure what it was made of as the surface seemed to hold a subtle vibration. It was shaped similarly to a compass but with points on every side, with intricately carved symbols etched into each section that stuck out from the center that held a faint glow within.

"Why would he give you this?" Asa asked, running his fingers over the buzzing surface.

She shook her head and blew out a breath, "I don't know. All I did was choke out one of his guys. We didn't even talk long," she said as she sunk down into one of the chairs.

"Well, what did you talk to him about?" he asked as the door sild open and Reiyna walked in.

"Cool spikey thing," she said as she passed by and went to the fridge.

Neo turned back to Asa, "I just told him how I was honored, and I grew up hearing stories. He said they were all true and then I asked . . ." her voice trailed off with the thought.

"What?" Reiyna chimed as she walked over, one hand of her hip, and one holding a purple Whip Slapp.

"The treasure planet."

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