Chapter 7

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Pax took a steadying breath that briefly steamed the clear face shield of his helmet. The magnet plated boots of his suit pulled against each step he took toward the back of the bay. He heard a beeping noise that he knew meant the oxygen was out, and then the door was opening. He took the gravity blaster up into both hands, bracing it tightly against his shoulder. As he aimed, he could see a ball of bright light forming near the lower side of the enforcer ship. Fuck rang out in his brain.

What else could he do aside from hurry and aim and attempt to hit them before they fired, but then Neo turned the ship abruptly to avoid the proton beam, but pax slid with the sharp turn. His boots were still fixed to the floor, giving some stability as he grabbed the edge of the door to right himself. Using his muscle and hanging on, was something he could do, but not taking the brunt of a proton beam. He was thankful she swerved that one. More than likely, thanks to Reiyna's watchful eye on the surveillance, but thankful no less. She was proving to be a damn good pilot. Better than he had expected. Not that he thought she would be bad, but she was also young, which could mean lack of experience.

She was quickly proving him wrong.

Neo flew the ship expertly, leveling back out and steadying the ship, giving him the perfect opportunity to take the shot. Pax lined the enforcer ship into his sights and pulled the trigger.

The speeding white ship behind them instantly crumpled into a ball of jagged and compressed metal. The gravity blaster worked efficiently, instantly amplifying the gravity of whatever it hit, and in this case, enforcers. Not that they even stood a chance against a weapon such as this. It packs a powerful punch which is helpful in a pinch, but it takes too long to recharge to be efficient. Pax looked at the ship, and then to the weapon in his hands and back again before letting out a barking laugh.

"Holy shit," he rasped between laughs.

"I take it the blaster did its job?" Neo said through the still open comm line, sounding stressed.

"Yeah, it did, we're clear."

Neo closed the bay door from the flight deck while Pax waited for the oxygen to refill the room before he could remove his helmet. He felt the ship slow to a steady cruising pace as he pulled off his gloves and unfastened the top half of his suit, letting it hang down by his waist. He propped his blaster against one of the cabinets and started for the door. As it opened, he smacked straight into Neo, who was barreling through at the same time.

She stumbled back, but this time he was quick to wrap an arm behind her back and pull her to his chest to keep her from falling. He looked down, his eyes locking with her wide green ones. She blushed, redness creeping up her cheeks while surprise and relief crossed her face. The embarrassment, shyness, and a twist of frustration that he couldn't decide if it was aimed at him, or the collision.

"You okay?" he asked, scanning her face once again. Her eyebrows lowered, long lashes blinking up at him, the freckle on her cheek, her lips . . . He wished he could close the gap between them, placing his lips to hers, but the way the corner of her lips had turned down, and the adorable scrunching of her brow was telling him she was angry, he assumed it better to hold off on the lustful intrusive thoughts. But he could still think them.

"I'm fine." she huffed as she stepped back and pushed off his chest with her hand. Maybe she could feel the way his heart was drumming against his bones. She moved to walk around him and turned back. "Do you place yourself in doorways and just wait for someone to walk through and run into you? Cause that's what it seems like," she asked with more than enough sarcasm and attitude.

"Only when I know that you're going to be the one walking through," Pax countered, cocking his head to the side inquisitively, waiting for her reaction. She froze like she didn't quite know what to say to his obvious attempt at flirting. Neo turned and walked over to the crates, not even dignifying his comment with a response.

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